
What is the happiest day of your life and why?

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i have been feeling down and i think hearing happy things might cheer me up. So spill those happy memories.




  1. when I met my husband first at my sisters wedding back in 2000,  

  2. my wedding day...

    or the day i got my puppy!!!  

  3. I am sorry you are feeling down, here is a link that might help you smile a little the happiest day of my life was when I got married with my husband, the man that I knew will be the perfect dad for my 2 year old.

  4. I dont know really, i have been with my boyfriend for two years and most of those days i have been happy - i'm really glad to be with him

    Won't it make you worse if you hear that everyone else is happy and you're not?

  5. Probaly when my boyfriend asked me out.

    That made me very happy.... My dad was in the hospital from drinking to much... and he couldnt remember anything..he didnt even know who i was and every day i would go to the hospital i would just cry..and then my boyfriend asked me out and that made me feel way better..and happier than i was.

    The other happy when my dad recovered and got out of the hospital.

    Now he doesnt drink at all.


  6. The day I asked my husband out for the first time ever. I met him at a company x-mas party and we flirted all night. I went home and told my sister he was going to be my next boyfriend. The older lady that I worked with had just gotten out of a nasty divorce and she had brought him as her date so she wouldn't be alone. I begged her for a week for his number not knowing the whole time he was begging her for mine. When she finally gave it to me, I texted him 4 times and got no response. I even texted, "don't break my hert and say you don't remember me!" I felt so refected after no reply I texted my co-worker saying her friend didn't like me. She replied:

    He doesn't have texting, you have to call him. lol

    We had our first date and only spent 1 night apart after that. I married him 7-6-08 and THAT was the happiest day of my life! I hope you cheer up, always know there are people out there worse off than you. Smile, that alone makes you feel better!

  7. when i got with my boyfriend he makes me so happy the best thing that happend to me hes like my savear hes like my best friend hes helped me through so much  

  8. I've got loads and they're all to do with my wife.

    The moment that stands out for me though, is our wedding day.

    Simply the best.

  9. the happiest day of my life is when i met my boyfriend deon it was such a special day for me and we have been dating for over a year and btw im 14 yrs old. and of course your life is worth living.

  10. The happiest day of my life was when I was able to come home from a trip to california and see my parents and Nana,i missed my parents so much and to see there face is great.

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