
What is the hardest division?

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i think the Atlantic




  1. pacific without a question i would love to see how the redwings would do in that division...i bet they wouldn't even reach 90 points

  2. Northwest without a doubt. There were always three teams making the playoffs from that division post lock out. The Oilers only narrowly missed the playoffs else it'd have been 4 teams in from a single division. That division has also had a few points separating first and last place throughout the last couple seasons. Every divisional game there is a struggle and must win game to make the playoffs. The atlantic divison close and hard?! The lightning, panthers, and thrashers were all out of the playoffs by January. Some of you guys know nothing about hockey. O_o

    Pacific division is a close second in terms of hardness, but the Kings and Coyotes are a walkover for the other 3 teams.

  3. Pacific. But it wont be a problem for the Ducks this year theyll win the Division for sure.

  4. Pacific, 3 out of the 5 are highly competitve. The Stars and the Sharks and the Ducks are amongst the best in the NHL. All 3 of them have a decent chance of winning the cup

  5. Central Division.First, you got the Stanley Cup Champs, Detroit. The thing about the central, is it's basically a fight for 2nd place after the Wings. The Hawks beat the Wings 5 out of 8 times (and also got Brian Campbell and others). The Jackets, well they were just terrible. Nashville took Detroit to Game 6 in the playoffs. And St. Louis, just keeps getting better.

  6. Without question its the pacific.. i mean Sharks, ducks, stars, some of the best teams in the whole league..its gonna be detroit at the top of western conference followed by those 3, and maybe even the coyotes at the bottom of playoff race,...this conference is all around skilled...tons of grit, a lot of passion, tons of highly skilled players...will be really exciting to watch

  7. Atlantic, except for the fact that divisional games are so close that many players probably could just drive to road games on their own.  Pacific has some good teams with quite a bit of travel.  Also the Central is shaping up to look pretty tough.

    Hey dumb@ss E.A., The Wings went 15-5 against the Pacific this past season during the regular season.  They also beat the Stars in the playoffs.

    I also can remember one of the losses they had to the Ducks was directly because of another "no-goal" call on Holmstrom.  This one there was absolutely no goalie contact, and he was at least a foot out of the crease.  Also one of their losses to the Sharks was because the Sharks scored on a rebound off the protective netting.

    Yeah, I wish they got to play the Pacific more.  That means more Phoenix, Los Angeles, and the Stars who rarely beat the Wings.

  8. probably the pacific, you got the sharks, ducks, & stars, 3 of the best teams in hockey & all 3 of them are in the top 10 out of the whole NHL. i swear to you that division is going to be so close this year but i hope my sharkies win it. ;)

  9. The last few years it would have to be the Pacific.

  10. Post lockout, I say the Atlantic.  Every season it's tight, and you never know who's gonna take the division.

    In 2006, the Devils had 101 points, the Flyers had 101 points, and the Rangers had 100 points.  That's crazy.  Then in 2007, first place and second place differed between 2 points.  And in 2007 and 2008, the Atlantic had the most teams in its division make it to the playoffs, four, each year.

    The Penguins, Devils, Rangers, Flyers, (and maybe this year) the Islanders are all highly competitive and skilled teams.

  11. southeast!lightning and canes!

  12. Obviously every person is going ot say the one their team is in....but i personally think its the Atlantic....even the Islanders were a playoff team before DiPietro got hurt last year...they very well could be in it next year and that would mean all 5 teams would be in the playoffs most likely....the top spot is usually up for grabs by the Devils Rangers Pens and Philly....i dont think there is any other division with 4 teams that can and will probably put up 100 points each (or close).  Like Sara said  its been really tight the last few years and it seems to be another cluster****at the top of the atlantic again this season....expect 4-5 atlantic teams in the playoffs...

    EDIT: i am willing to listen to the arguement that the pacific division is also one of the toughest....i think these are clearly the two most difficult in each conference....all the others are pretty far behind

  13. I think the Northwest division, because no one ever stays the leader for long, so you can't really predict who will win the division.

  14. central...GO HAWKS!

  15. campbell

  16. I think it was the Atlantic last year but this next year I think it will be the northwest because I think they will all have strong years, though none of them will dominate I believe none of them will be week next year.

  17. The Pacific.

  18. There seems to be some discrepancy in the definition of hardest.  Cup contenders are very much a different breed than "Playoff Teams".  The Atlantic is not as strong as everybody thinks it is.  The Pacific, year in and year out, houses 3 of the top 5 teams in the West, which is by far the stronger conference.  The Red Wings' only competition at the end of every season (aside from Nashville a few years back) are always the top Pacific teams, and they are always the best suited to win the Cup.  Although SJS has not won, and Dallas hasn't in many years, they are both still contenders for the Cup, and consistently.  The Atlantic absolutely DOES NOT compete on the same level in the playoffs.  NJD has been the only consistently strong team in the Atlantic, and with their demise I don't think the Atlantic is going to win a Cup for quite a while.  Even with their added scoring, they won't be able to replace Brodeur (when the time comes), and they still haven't found an answer to the replacement of KEY blueliners like Brian Rafalski, Scott Stevens, and Scott Niedermeyer.  4 out of the top 5 most Cup-worthy teams every recent postseason are the Wings, the Stars, the Ducks, and the Sharks.  It will be the same case this season, postseason, and is very likely to be the same in 09-10.

    Pacific by a landslide.

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