
What is the hardest form to do in Kempo?

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shaolin kempo karate




  1. the liability release form, its so time consuming.

  2. kempo is a misleading term

    what style of kempo? shaolin kempo, shaolin kempo karate, shorinji kempo, american kenpo, chinese kenpo, tracy kenpo, nick cerio kenpo...etc

    they are all different and have different forms.

    kempo isnt a specific style or system. infact its a generic word much like karate is used today.

    kempo means fist law. any art COULD BE called kempo. originally it was used in japan and okinawa to denote chinese martial arts...or arts that were greatly influenced by chinese martial arts.

    kenpo is blade law, and is a sword art also. (the differences between kenpo, and kempo can be a bit confusing)

    but in america...the kenpo/kempo we mostly know and hear about comes mainly from hawaii.

    some kempo systems dont even do forms.

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