
What is the hardest part of being a parent?

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The best part?




  1. Seeing your child hurt/sick and not being able to make them better instantly.  Oh yeah...and potty training! LOL

    The best part is the unconditional love you receive back.  Your child thinks you are a super hero!  My boys are so sweet...on my worst days, no matter what I look like, they will tell me, "Mommy, I love your hair.  You're so pretty!"...stuff like that.

  2. Hardest thing--watching them grow up & not need you as much.  Best part--that look on their face when you pick them up from daycare/school--you just know you are the best thing they've seen all day!!

  3. not laughing at your kids when they've done/said something bad/unacceptable.......

    when you feel your heart is going to burst because you love them so much!

  4. Best part is the Hardest , watching them Grow up in to wonderful Man or women , then watching them leave the nest to start there own life.

  5. I agree with the first person...Having ur child be hurt or sick and there is nothing you can do to take away all their pain & suffering immediately.  Buuut, I also gotta say that the age of 3 is pretty tough!  LOL.  I got a 3 year old, and she is just a nutcase just like her daddy!  She's hard headed and no matter what you tell her, or how many times she gets sent to her room, or in time out, spanked on the booty, she goes right back to doing it 5 minutes later.  lol.  

    The best?  Everything!  Waking up to my baby girls kisses and hugs every single morning.  She's my alarm clock.  Tucking her in at night and having her say "I love you Mommy, sweet dreams".  Watching her grow from a tiny baby to a beautiful little girl.  Having her come running up to me just to tell me about the "buggy" she saw crawling outside.  Having her do flips in the kitchen when I'm trying to cook and just giggling and laughing hysterically cause she thinks its so funny when she falls on her butt.  Coming home when I haven't seen her for a couple hours and having her come running to me with open arms telling me how much she missed me.  I especially love when she's done something wrong and she knows it.  She comes and jumps on my lap and holds my face completely still and kisses and hugs me non stop while trying to explain to me what happened.  LOL.  I LOVE being a Mommy.  There is nothing in the world that will ever EVER take the place of this happiness.  She is the most important beautiful thing in my world!

  6. The hardest part is wanting control when you can't have it. Like when you can see them heading towards hurt feelings and have to watch and be there afterwards or seeing them ill and in pain but knowing there's nothing you can do to make it all better. My eldest son suffers leukemia and it is one of the hardest things I have ever encountered. When your child is ill, you'll do anything in the world to make them better.

    The best part is just seeing them smile and tell you that they love you. Also, knowing that they see you as the best person is the whole wide world and they love you unconditionally.

  7. The hardest part is letting go...the best part is when they come back.

  8. The hardest part is that they do get sick, and do occasionally hurt themselves.

    The best part is just having them there.

  9. know its the right thing to do but you feel bad

  10. I asked my dad just now.

    He said :

    The Best Part - when they tell you " I love you " and seeing the smiles on their faces.

    The Hardest Part - seeing them head for mistakes which you can't control and can't stop from happening .

    Hope this helps.

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