
What is the hardest question in the world to answer?

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What is the hardest question in the world to answer?




  1. what is the Matrix?

  2. WHY ???????

  3. How did it all begin?

  4. I'd have to go for "have you stopped beating your spouse?".

  5. does the universe have an end to it?

  6. why, God, why?

  7. the meaning of life

  8. Whats the meaning of life?

    What came first the chicken or the egg?

    Why were we created?

    What were we create for?


    Where is heaven??( no offense)

  9. Can you tell me about your death?

  10. I cannot answer that.

  11. Does God exist?

  12. Whats the meaning of life?

    What came first the chicken or the egg?

    Why were we created?

    What were we create for?


  13. Why?

    It has infinite answers.

    Ask any two year old.

  14. For "Yes", try "Are you asleep/dead?"

    For "No, try "Were you born?"

  15. There isn't one, because "I don't know" is an answer you can give to any question at all.

  16. What's the point of life?

  17. this one so far

  18. the meaning of life?

  19. Who will you trust?

    How are you born in this world??

    Who are ur true friends??

    Are there aliens??

  20. who am i?

  21. this one

  22. OOOO ! I KNOW !

    is this statement TRUE OR FALSE:

    " this statement is false "

    hahaha !

    answer that !


    e m i l y :D

  23. THIS ONE : what is the hardest question in the world to answer?

  24. Random person: What's your name?

    Me: Gah, I can't remember. Hold on, I know this...Hmm.


  25. I think all the answers given so far are great.  But unfortunately I've seen some pretty convincing answers/arguments for all of them.  Here's one I want to see pondered:

    Are we all in the after life right now, "alive" but post-death, and everything just has the illusion of life that we suppose it is supposed to be, while "death" is a transfer to something even stranger?

    I think that could really stir up trouble in some philosophical/religious arguments.

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