
What is the hardest skill in volleyball?

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Is it setting, hitting, blocking, serve receive, defense, or serving?

For me it would be blocking. My coaches had me practice every part o the game a whole lot, but didn't work in too many blocking drills. And my vertical is only 29"




  1. When i first started playing, it was setting.

    i constantly SLAPED the ball, instead of bouncing it of my fingertips. took me about 4 weeks to get it down GOOD.

    I love to serve. it use to be my hardest, but i am pretty skilled now. Blocking is also dificult. Volleyball in general takes practice. for help, go to camps. they are hardcore, and get to the point!

  2. hardest skill in volley-ball i think is my serve..i can serve both underhand and overhand.. :)

  3. i'm interchangeable at the middle & backside hitting positions, so i'm the backup setter when im on the floor at backside.

    the hardest thing for me is defense, but i dont have to play in the back row so i barely work on it

  4. i'd honestly say passing/digging, it's hard for most people to control and pass the ball off a hit/serve.

  5. in my opinion its blocking but also hitting is somtimes difficult too! i have lately been getting really good blocks and not so good hits but that is because the set sucks so setting is hard too. i know cause i played setting last season during school. oh yeah hjktuy is wrong! my club team (15 year olds) pancake the ball ALL THE TIME atleast 5 times a game!!!!! trust me we are not in the olympics although i did qualify for the junior olympics

  6. As a coach who has been disappointed by the lack of discipline in forearm passing. I would say that THAT is the hardest skill. So Many people lack the control and get off "OK" passes, then they move on.

    Passing is one of the most basic skills, yet so few master it. Many of you may completely disagree with me but, can you pass 50 out of 100 varied speed balls to a target and have them catch it right above their head without moving? That's 50% and that's average, but I challenge any of you, that say you know how to pass the ball well, to do this. You should be at 65% or better to consider yourself an excellent passer.

    This is due to many coaches moving on to other skills before they should, because kids want to play games before they master the basic skills and they, in a way, pressure the coaches because coaches are afraid of the kids not having fun and ditching the sport. Every volleyball skill is suspect because of this, but passing is at the core of the problem, especially in the men's game.

  7. I think blocking is the hardest. I think it is scary because, I always flinch and look away when the person goes to spike it over the net. It is also hard because, you have to be perfectly in-synch with the opponent, to block the hit successfully.

  8. passing. You do not control at what velocity or spin the ball is coming at you. The reaction time and the form are very important. It is the hardest skill and the most important. Without a pass you are lost as a team

  9. People skill.

    You want to put a team together and win some games like 6-in-1 or 12/15-in-1. If any one of your team members tried to show off or thought s/he were the best on the team, and nobody could ever stop her/him from thinking that way, your season is over.

  10. it really depends on each person. some people are great hitters, but cannot pass a ball to save their lives. some people can pass well, but can't serve. some people can have an incredible jump serve, but can't hit front row at all. each skill has its difficulties. i have been playing for 4 years now and i could hit the ball well from almost the first practice but i still find passing and setting to be the hardest skills. talk to a setter or libero and they will say otherwise. in most cases though, you will find that middles find hitting, serving and blocking easy, but passing and setting impossible. most outsides can hit, pass, serve and block well, but may have trouble with controlling the ball with their hands. opposites are usually outstanding blockers, servers, and hitters, decent setters, but have trouble passing. liberos can pass incredibly well, but have very limited success hitting. setters have to be good at every skill, although most setters have some difficulty with hitting. it all depends on the person and the position. my opinion would be passing and setting, but in reality it depends on the person and the position.

  11. I never got the hang of the jump-serve.

  12. I don't mean to sound bias, considering I was a setter all through high school and a middle blocker in club, but I think the two hardest positions in the game are setter and middle blocker because they require the most amount of concentration, skill, and technique. Setting came natural to me, so I didn't consider it difficult, but when I had to learn the middle position I got a new appreciation for the players who had to play it. It's a very difficult position. Both of them hold a lot of responsibility. The setter controls the offense, and the middle blocker basically determines your defensive presence at the net.

  13. the hardest for me is serving overhanded...i need more power...i can make it over but i still need more power...

    also many of my team mates have trouble with passing to the setter... it always goes off to the side

  14. oh. lol for me, i would say is the serving. x] i don't do very well w/ overhands!

  15. Well, I recently had a really rough patch with my hitting a while ago. I used to be a really good hitter, until one day it seemed it had just dissapeared. I help out wiht the Middle School Volleyball team, and I eventually figured out that I was doing everything that I was telling them not to do. Dropping my shoulder, not squaring up to the net, etc. So that was really hard for a while.

    But I would agree that right now the hardest skill for me is blocking. Even though I played Middle Blocker during this years season , I had very few blocks, and I was always trying to figure out ways to get better.

    Haveing said that though,  I would say that forearm passing is probably the hardest thing to do consistently well.

    There are lots of skills in volleyball which are a lot harder to master than people think.

  16. Personally, the spike.

    I just can't jump high enough(partly because i'm quite short), and i just can't hit with the right part of my hand. I just had a few games and my thumb is broken just trying to spike. )=

    But we still got the point. :D

  17. diving on the floor to get the ball & looking good in

    short shorts!

  18. hey.... htjkty or wat ever.. just to let you know ive pancaked in games.. a lot... and im not even in highschool... beat that... anyways.. i would say that the hardest skill is passing... becasue if you make a mistake you'll either shank it or overpass it... and if you dont get a good pass u wont be able to set or hit... also its hard wen hard hits are coming at you... and especially since you have to have so much footwork to get to the ball. its also hard because it burns wen you pass the ball on the rong part of ur arm..

  19. Well for everybody it is going to be different!! To me it is setting when you only have one setter you have to get to every second ball even if it is in the bleachers!! You are expected to make every bad pass into a good set for your hitters!!! You have to be constantly moving with your hitters, and covering them!!! You always have to be on your toes for those tips that the other team does!! And when a passer makes a pass into the net the setter is the one expected to dig it out for the team!!! That is my opinion!!!

  20. I'd say defense is probably the hardest.  Especially if you play middle back defense.  Getting side line to sideline or taking angels off your blockers (or not if they can't get there) takes speed, agility and brains.  If you're having problems blocking, look into some camps that specialize in specific positions.  Also, try jousting in practice.  Here how if you haven't:

    Have 2 players (same height or different, doesn't matter) on different sides of the net in the MB position.  Have a coach or other player toss the ball directly above the net.  The two players should jump and try to control the ball so it ends up on the other side (you can do this by blocking and pushing it around, hitting or tipping).  This will make you become an agressive blocker and also teach you where a good placement is.

  21. setting and serve/receive...they are all about control. =]

  22. For middle hitter, it is definitely blocking.

    Foot work is Key to a succesful block.  Also Knowing where to go and coordinate with your outside blocks to close the block is also very important.

  23. my opinion would be the pancake. when the ball is about to hit the floor but then you place your hand on the floor under where the ball is about to hit and it bounces off your hand. I heard you would only see that done in the olympics

  24. em serving is hard for me because I'm not using all my power.  In practise i'm doing it well but at games i'm losing my concentrate.

    and defense ...I need more practice to get better at all skills...

    its difficult, yeap!!!

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