
What is the hardest sport to play if you someone who has never played a sport?

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if you took someone who has never played a sport ad tried to teach them, which sport would be the hardest for them to learn and which would be the easiest one for them to learn?




  1. skateboard cuz there are so many frustrating foot positoning and bruises and bails and its so challenging but its so fun.

  2. figure skating and artistic gymnastics. also maybe rhythmic gymnastics because you have to be really flexible and that takes a long time.

  3. hardest: gymnastics

    easiest: soccer

  4. well it depends what kinda of person you are

    i have tried everything and i think that golf is pretty hard because it takes a while to get decently good

    like a few years depending if you have talent or not

    i think that karate is pretty hard cuz you have so many different opponents that its hard to beat all of them

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