
What is the hardest thing that you promise to someone, and have you fulfill those promises ?

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is that promise last forever. How hard it's to keep a promise

or you have walk away from those promises




  1. I promised my best friend I'd never ask her to shut up again. When she thanked me and wanted to talk about it I asked her to shut up before I slapped her face ;))

  2. promise my wife to...repaint my house.....that was 5 years go...i hope this weekend i can do it...sigh.....raya punyer pasal...malassssss cheq....

  3. sorry to say

    life is full of promises

    most are hard to keep....... but

    you should know the ones you have to keep .

    anything that could change a life  for the worse (criminal is your own choice)

  4. This is such an interesting question :)  

    Well frankly-speaking the hardest promise that I have made is actually to no other but to Myself...  Sounds sad, isn't it?

    It comes to a point in time when I make myself to promise that I should never get intimidated by people who do not believe in my goals and dreams, my hopes and inspirations and those who easily judge me unfairly when they do not really know me well in character...

    But sadly...

    From time to time, I am unable to live up to my promise...

    Again and again, I can't seem to hold on strong against those people...  I became quite affected, feeling down and miserable and have always question myself "what is really my life purpose"....

    But then I realise, that sometimes the best remedy is to hold on to my faith no matter how thin it is, to pull me through the dark moments...


  5. i promised my self i was never going to drink again .that was last weekend when i drink to much..well i'm going out again this weekend i'll see how it

  6. i promise n i done it

  7. if you get pregnant , I will marry you.....

  8. I don't exactly make any promises so I can't say I have a difficulty fulfilling promises. The closest would come to the time I promised to forgive and forget but unfortunately.... not

  9. i said to my cousin son that momma (my granny) will be fine.. but turn out she die of heart complication.. but, just what can i do???

    RIP Momma

    PEACE =D

  10. I promised my mom that she would make it through her cancer. She didn't.

  11. I promised to never smoke pot again...*blubbblubbblubb* hooooo!

  12. LOL i didnt peomise any hardest thing to anyone except my self....

    stop smoking and dringking-i maked it

    got my own car before 25- ..but delay 1 years

    got my own house before 25-not yet

    running my own bussiness before 40-not yet

    and many more ...

  13. Promised to take my girlfriend to Hawaii.

    ....working on it

  14. Very Nice Question !!!

    To me i promised i will marry my husband and bear his child. Yahoo !!! I did it !!! I kept my promise !!!

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