
What is the hardest thing to learn in your beginer's ballet class?

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In your beginner's Ballet class , what was the hardest step to learn?




  1. for the little ones at my studio i think they have most issues wit pas de chats and turns and maybe sisscones im no longer beginner tho im level 7/8 im taking both my hardest are center exercises lik grand plies and adages like rond de jambes en lair (in the air) or anything with balance lol

  2. in beginning? hmm.

    probably Tor Jete. or a Pique

    but it all depends. sometimes turning is difficult for people or  maybe leaps are really hard for them. you just have to try them out. im personally really good at turns.

    for turns you have to spot really well. but dont spot at yourself in the mirror because youre moving. spot above te mirror for Pirouettes etc.

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