
What is the hardest time in your opinion?

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i have twin boys who are 4 months old. until now i have thought they were easy to take care of. well now they are too big to carry at the same time...but too young to crawl or move around of their own. they are starting to they are fussy all the time. and they dont like to be in the floor or swing...they want to be in the excersaucer...which we only have one of. its so challenging to try to keep them both happy.

what did you feel was the hardest time while you were/are raising your children?




  1. I have a 4-1/2 year old and a 23 month old, and I have to say that each age comes with its difficulties and its pleasures, and it often seems to me that you notice the difficulties more in the present and the pleasures more in the past.  

    I'd say, though, that at about 18 months children are super mobile, getting into more things than you ever thought possible, still rather clingy and whiny(depending on the child), still not really great at communication, so there are lots of fits, and not real good at listening, either.  This, I think, is what people describe as the terrible twos.  At about 2-1/2, my first daughter grew out of it - hope my second does soon!

    The best I can say is to do the best you can, and try to enjoy as many of the pleasant parts as you can.  The good news is that whatever is difficult now will change soon!

  2. its always hard and it gets harder....especially during toddler years, teething, adolescent, teenage, i think boys calm down after they are married for 50 years

  3. Right around they started walking...which was around 8-10ms in my house. They would touch EVERYTHING, which lead to fights between them and my older children. They were also teething, so anything they could reach was then chewed on. They could then walk to me and whine/cry for me to pick them up lol. I would leave the baby in the family room while I would go into the kitchen to get a bottle or grab a drink myself. Before they could walk, they would just sit in the family room and be upset because the tile was too cold for them to crawl on. Once they could walk...they would follow me all over the place lol. Walking then lead to running and they you have to chase after them!

    Best Wishes =]

  4. I have 3 kids- 4 1/2 yr. old girl, 2 yr. old boy, and 2 wk. old baby. With my oldest she went thru the 'terrible twos' at age 3- she had the worst tantrums, never listened to me, and always told me no when I asked her to do something. My 2 yr. old is going thru his terrible twos now, so I'm beyond exhausted at the end of the day. So the answer to your question is: I think the 'terrible twos' is a pretty hard time. Of course I'm dreading the teen years too (I  gave my mom gray hair when I was a teen)!

  5. For my older son, the age of 3 was the toughest - screaming "no" and not listening, running off on me.  It sucked, but by 3 1/2 he was an angel again.  For my younger son, it is his current age (1 3/4) because he is a total maniac - he climbs bookcases, climbs onto the counters, jumps off high objects, tries to swing from light fixtures.  He's totally insane, and too wriggly and heavy to hold.  But he's insanely happy, too.

    I think the toughest age will be the teenage years, at least these early years you get rewarded by snuggles & kisses, as teenagers they are apparently full of angst & resentment - fun, fun, fun!!!

    By the way, life for you with twins will get much easier at around 1 (from what I've heard from friends with twins) because your boys will play with each other, and demand less entertaining from you.

  6. I've only had one child at a time, never multiples. My two kids are 4 and 7 yrs old and so far my 4 yr old has only been the most difficult at the age she is now. I've been blessed to have very good kids even as infants they were wonderful.

  7. Teen years are the hardest, but I can see where you're coming from.  4 months is hard, but wait until 6, 7 and 8 months.  When they really become mobile and you have to put your running shoes on!

  8. First, congratulations on your babies!!  I can only imagine how difficult it is to have two at the same time - you have my utmost respect and sympathy = )

    Honestly, the funny thing is that I remember kind of feeling freaked out when my first son turned 4 months old - suddenly,  my complacent, content little infant became a squirmy, hard to manage little bundle of energy trying to roll around during diaper changes and such.  I was not prepared for that at all!

    If you cannot fit another exersaucer in your home, do you have a Bumbo?  I wish I'd had one for ALL of my boys!  Instead I had one for my youngest and it was amazing - like the second set of arms I always had wished I had when taking care of a little one!!

    My oldest is now 14 and each age and stage presents a challenge of some kind.  The best thing you can probably do is read a LOT, talk to other moms and get as much help and support as you can.  No age is easy, but I will say after the first 3-4 years, things do lighten up a bit (you get to sleep through the night usually, they start to be much more independent, etc.).

    Some advice - seriously consider teaching your babies sign language.  I've done this with my 4th son and it has worked WONDERS in his temperament, behaviors, etc.  I think a lot of the "terrible 2's" is just an inability to effectively communicate their needs and desires.  By giving them early language tools, it helps significantly in overcoming that frustration for you and them!

    Best wishes!!  It's a journey worth having even when it feels like an uphill battle.

  9. my son is 2and 1/2 he throws temper tantrums and talks back putting him in the corner just started working for when he pulls the dogs tail or does something bad hes a good child for the most part but now he has a mind of his own and i cant imagine its going to get much easier

  10. when they really start to move and also dont listen to the word no or u

    my kid was an angel til he hit 3 and now its like he has deaf ears and a temper tantrum when he doesn t wet his own way.

    put yr kids in a pen- a safe area that is blocked off with gates and let them lay inside so they can roll around.


  12. Four months is a tough time! I think every stage has its challenges, but it is really hard when they can't really entertain themselves. I'm not sure about your finical situation but a lot of children's consignment stores have exersausers for about half the price of new ones.

    My son is only 2 1/2 but so far I would say 4-10 months was hard for me, and the terrible twos are tough at times.

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