
What is the healthiest food at McDonald's?

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I work at McDonalds, and I don't want to be fat but I still eat some of their food. What do you think is the most healthiest meal/sandvich that they have there?





  1. I'd say a glass of water. But that's not food. McDonalds doesn't produce healthy food I'm afraid so don't eat it!!

  2. The salad's and baguette rolls they do

  3. A glass of water.

    Even their salads have 500+ calories.Nothing is healthy at Mcdonalds.You'll be working there,trust me you won't want to eat there.

  4. their salads. fruit parfaits are good too. fruits and yogurt.

  5. Apple dippers, salads

  6. salads or


  7. none

  8. i'm going with the majority here.  water and salad.  bring your own dressing.  at McDs even the air has fat.  seriously.

  9. If you work there, you should know.

    Try napkins. They are high in fiber.

  10. portati una mela da casa!!!  an apple from home...

  11. the salad and water

    and for dressing get a light one

  12. Water.

    Seriously McDonalds all around is not good for you. If you really are worried about your food you would be better off brining an apple with you to work than eating the prepackaged ones.

    I doubt that the salads even have that much nutrients. With all the processing and stuff those veggies prolly lose a lot of nutrients, they don't taste very good either.

    Their fruits and stuff have all kinds  of preservatives that are just plain bad for you.

  13. The fruit bags?

  14. none at all about the only thing that i can think of that would be sorta healthy there but is not a meal or sandwich is the yougurt &granola

  15. Salads.

  16. maybe salad without dressing...i used to work at maccas and just about everything is pre-frozen or has a huge amount of calories....if i were you i'd go with a salad and bottle of water

  17. The buns with lettuce.

  18. Probably a salad.  Most of the other stuff has so much grease in it that it is bad for you either way

  19. Go to Subway

  20. water...

  21. salad

  22. the fruit and walnut salad

  23. There's no particular healthy food in Mc Donalds Because it is a fast food... sorry for the bad news... but its yummy ^_^

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