
What is the healthy weight of a 1.5 year Russian Dwarf Hamster?

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I have 2 Russian Dwarf hamsters, Chippy and Tito. Tito is REALLY fat, like it is hard for him to make it through the tubes. He is in a cage all by himself, but the has plenty of things to do, but he won't use them. He just sits in his cage, hating me. This is the cage he has:

with this expansion pack, without the purple thing on the top and the kit I bought didn't come with the thing on the left:

and my hamster Chippy is really skinny because he was just sick, and he isn't fully back, but he lives with my brother's hamster, but they aren't aggresive towards each other. They have a 10 gallon tank with this thing on the top of it for more space:

My over all question is what is the healthy weight for a dwarf hamster?

In ounces please if possible!!!

(Tito eats all the sunflower seeds and no pellets, and Chippy eats everything but not too many pellets.I think that Squishy (my brother's hamster) is about the healthy weight of a dwarf hamster, but he's still a bit big.)





  1. i would say about 5 ounces or so mabe abit more the big 1 try getting a wheel for him if u aint got 1 and the tank is called a gerbilranium fink that how it spelt there ment for gerbils to dig in bottom half and play in top half but dwarfs can use then in the same way my dwarf loves to dig little burrows so cute

  2. i am not sure of the exact weight, but the syrian hamster should weigh 7 ounces, so your hamsters should weigh about 5 ounces. hamsters are nocturnal, so tito may be working out at night. try changing the diet for tito and chippy. your hamsters need vitamins from the food. so try feeding them some apples, strawberries, kale, oranges, and so on. but be careful... some foods can hurt your hamster. also try getting the store brand food too. they are pretty good for them.and if they are obbsessed with the seeds, offer them as treats ocasionally (about twice a week).  if your hamsters eat these things they should have a healthier weight.

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