
What is the height limit to be an exercise rider?

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What is the height limit to be an exercise rider?




  1. I don't think their is for an excersize rider. I only did it for a summer, but I am 5'2".

  2. don't think their is any for exercise rider.  as long as you're a good rider and can follow intructions main requirements

  3. dont think there is one

  4. There is no height limit for being an exercise rider.

  5. I'm 5'10 and was an exercise rider for three years.  Usually, the farm where I was at just focused on the weight of the rider, not the height. (and you don't have to be under 120lbs to be an exercise rider)

  6. None

    as long as you know where your weight goes and you have to be good

    and know much

    Because you can do much harm to a young horse

    I worked for Jack Van Berg and he had riders that weight 160, and some 5'9 but they where good riders and knew how  to put their weight to where they NEVER HINDERED THE HORSE

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