
What is the height of mt vesuvius in america. (please no greek)?

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i've been looking all over the internet but all i can find is greek stuff

i need some facts on it. or maby a website devoted to it




  1. Vesuvius

    The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | Date: 2008

    Vesuvius , Ital. Vesuvio, only active volcano on the European mainland, S Italy, on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples, SE of Naples.

    The height of the main cone changes with each eruption, varying within a few hundred feet of the 4,000-ft (1,219-m) level; in 1969 the height was 4,190 ft (1,277 m). The second summit, Monte Somma (3,770 ft/1,149 m) is a ridge that half encircles the cone and is separated from it by a valley (c.3 mi/5 km long). The sides of Vesuvius are deeply scarred by lava flow, but its lower slopes are extremely fertile, dotted with villages, and covered with vineyards which produce the famous Lachrymal Christi wine. The base of the mountain (circumference c.45 mi/70 km) is encircled by a railroad, and a chairlift reaches almost to the rim of the crater (diameter c.2,300 ft/700 m). On the western slope, at 1,995 ft (608 m), there is a seismological observatory (built 1840-45). The outline of Vesuvius forms part of the backdrop of Naples; it is often surmounted by a faint plume of smoke.

    The earliest recorded eruption (AD 79) was described by Pliny the Younger in two letters to Tacitus; the eruption buried Pompeii , Herculaneum , and Stabiae under cinders, ashes, and mud. Pliny the Elder was killed by the eruption, which he had come to investigate. Frequent eruptions have been recorded since Pompeii was destroyed, notably in 512, in 1631, six times in the 18th cent., eight times in the 19th cent. (notably in 1872), and in 1906, 1929, and 1944. The eruptions vary greatly in severity, but the geological record shows that Vesuvius experiences a truly devastating eruption every 2,000-3,000 years.

  2. 1,281 metres (4,203 ft) is the elevation (height) of mt. vesuvius in america.  heres two websites which might prove helpful

  3. Mount Vesuvius is in Italy, not in America.

  4. (1) Stop being a jackass and yelling at people trying to give you answers.  website addresses are cut off by Yahoo, not the person providing them, if the address is not in the "Know your source" field. (They're also cut off there, but the link works correctly.)

    (2) Mount Vesuvius, Montana, is 6,788 feet (2,068.98 meters) above sea level.  See the website below for details.

    (3) The website address below was the very first Google result using the following search string:  

       "mount vesuvius" +montana -italy

    so maybe instead of yelling at people here, you should chide yourself and work on improving your Google-fu instead.

  5. JuST Go HeRe:-


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