
What is the height of the meniscus of water in a coffee mug?

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And would it be significantly different for other beverages such as coffee or fruit juice?

I tried observing directly, but could not get a visual fix on the meniscus. I tried searching the Web, but all the relevant sites seem to require a physics degree to understand.

Would glass give the same (or similar) results as a ceramic mug? Glass would be much easier to measure.




  1. It's the width of thing that affect the height more so than the actual liquid.

    Get some straws you can see through and experiment. ( Doing this from memory from long ago ) If you get a thin enough tube water will climb up and spill out of the top. In physics class we heated up glass tubes in the middle to the melting point  and let them fall too the floor creating a hollow glassl hair thin tube, it raised water several inches.

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