
What is the height requirments for flying a air force jet plane?

by Guest33236  |  earlier

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When i grow up i want to be a air force pilot, but im very big and tall. I would like to know the hight requirments for a air force pilot. (jet planes e.g F1-11)




  1. Horse Puckey.  I flew F4s for A LOT of years and here's the story:

    You need a sitting height of not more than 50" or so.  Reason being you don't want to eject and leave your knees behind.

    I'm 6'2" and i fit in the back of an F4 with no problem.  I've also seen Viper guys who are bigger than me squeeze into that cockpit.  

    F111's went out of the inventory in 1992, sorry.  However, Eagles, Vipers, F22 and 35s will be around for some time to come.

    Good Luck, and if you have questions about commissioning/Flight Training etc, please don't hesitate to PM me.

  2. F-16 pilots are remarkably small.  They usually have a Napoleon Complex and are 5'6". Be advised, the F-111 is no longer flown.  I am a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force.

  3. Unless you are on the extreeme sides of the line you are fine. people as short as 5'6 are flying. 20/20 vison though.

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