
What is the helthiest meat?i like chicken and bief?

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What is the helthiest meat?i like chicken and bief?




  1. Poultry and fish are the best.

  2. Chicken

  3. Fish in general if you're cooking it at home. However, at fast food restaurants, where fish is heavily breaded, the chicken has less fat and processed sugar overall. You should check out the sugar content of fast food below.

  4. Fish

  5. Salmon

  6. If you like beef try buffalo and ostrich.  Both are much healthier for you than beef and very delicious!  

    You can get frozen meat delivered to your home for you to cook yourself.  Different things like sausage, steak or burger.

    In my area some of the restaraunts serve burgers & steaks from ostrich or buffalo.

  7. I like chicken ,lean ground beef and tuna. If you want healthier choices of beef select round or chuck.

  8. Chicken is good for lowering your cholesterol, unless you overpower it with toppings and spices/sauces, beef is great for getting a lot of protein which can help put on muscle but can also result in more weight gain if you are a couch potato, and fish is probably the best meat source since it is just plain out good for the body BUT be careful and don't eat too much fish because a lot of fish in the past 5 years or so carry a miniscule amount of mercury within their meat and eating fish too often can actually harmful

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