
What is the heritage of the man in this photo?

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In your opinions, of what heritage/background/race/nationality is this individual? and why do you say so?

EG, Latino, Italian, Jewish, Irish, Eastern European, French, English etc etc




  1. Wow, thats a tough one..

    He could look either Italian, Jewish or Eastern European to me..  

  2. Wendy and Adair are right.

    I am always amazed that there are always so many questions asking about noses, colour, 'what nationality do I look like'  etc etc.

    I think that there must be a lot of people who just don't know what genealogy means or is.

    No offence intended.

  3. Eastern European

  4. Heritage cannot be determined by physical appearances.  REAL genealogists, like Wendy, know this, so there is no reason for her to have a thumbs down.  Only the uneducated think you can look at a person and tell where they are from.

  5. Somewhere in Europe, probably Eastern Europe - but again I also agree with the comments on picking ethnicity by photo's

  6. italian cuzz i said so ahaha im just kidddiiiing. he looks italian though...

  7. We can guess until the cows come home, but in order to really know. the research must be done.

    Are you wondering what your background is?

    PS. Do you have a real genealogy question?

  8. Unfortunately Yahoo Answers doesn't have a forum for this.

    Your question is in the genealogy forum and really it has nothing to do with genealogy which is tracing ancestors with documentation.  

  9. At first pass he would appear to be Slavic - either from the old Yugoslavic region, Eastern Europe or even the Baltic region.  

    The shape of his face, bone structure and tone of his skin are indicators.

    However, you'll also see features like his - although less frequently - in the Mediterranean region.  

  10. Nothing hostile...

    if you are talking to genealogists, we KNOW that facial features or appearance are useless, if you really want to know where someone's ancestry comes from.

    I could tell you ANYTHING, and all it is, are guesses.  You might as well flip a coin.  

  11. he could be greek or italian. but italians and greek look the same.

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