
What is the higgs particle?

by Guest65800  |  earlier

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What is the higgs particle?




  1. Bosons are supposedly the particles forv energy transfer. Normally there are three types; the photon which is considered massless and the W boson and Z boson which are considered to be the weak forces. To explain the difference between the photon and the more massive W and Z bosons, there must be another massive particle which has a zero spin. This particle is called the Higg's boson. The LHC was primarily constructed to verify if this theory of a neutral boson holds.

    In the LHC, if two product gluons decay into a pair of top and anti-top quarks and a top and anti-top quark recombines then the resulting particle would be a Higg's boson with a zero spin with a mass of about 115Gev to 180Gev. This remains to be seen.


  2. A theoretical sub-atomic particle that, if found, would give additional weight to the present theory.

  3. The (so far theoretical), particle that provides mass.

  4. there is a Standard Model of particles, which include all known particles and one that has never been detected.

    Finding it would certainly add a nail or two into the coffin.

    you got Quarks, Leptons and Bosons... fancy names for groups of particles with different spins.  There are also several forces, Strong, Weak, Gravitational and Electro-Magnetic.  Mostly these are separate, but if a particle had a very high energy, the EM and Weak forces might be the same.

    So, the SLAMMING LHC is planning to see if by doing a SUPER-SMACK with some pretty big particles and really high speeds (high speed= high energy) maybe when they decay , two of the decay products will combine into a stable Higgs Boson.

    Yeah, I know... if its stable, why havent they seen it before?  

    I asked the same question.

    I was sent to my room without supper.

  5. A boson.

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