
What is the highest age that you can go pro in snowboarding and whats the best trick you have to be able to do

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What is the highest age that you can go pro in snowboarding and whats the best trick you have to be able to do




  1. if you were that good you would know how old the oldest to go pro is just because you would be really into snowboarding

    im just saying i dont think you can go pro

  2. A pro rider is a rider that makes his living and money from riding. There are many different types of pro not just freestyle riders. There are freeriders and racers - Boardercross/ Slalom etc. Generally freestyle pros will have retired by the time they have got to there mid thirtys, but pro freeriders will often be older than that. There is no one trick you need to be a pro freestyle rider as there are many different types of freestyle such as backcountry freestyle, park riding, jibbing, pipe riding etc. Good luck with the riding.

  3. There were 6 year old (i think they were 6) boarders in last year's Warren Miller film who were pros, and then there were some features of guys who were "pros" in the 70's.  And if your featured in a Warren Miller film, your a pro for sure lol.  So those g uys had to be about 50.  It all depends on your ability level.  And theres no real "best trick", you jsut have to be willign and able to go big(ger than the rest of the people) and put on a show for people.  It would probably be good to be able to do at least 720s and plenty of grabs and stuff, but as long as you can keep up with the 20'somethings, it doesnt matter what age you are.

  4. There is no maximum age for going pro in snowboarding.

    Since snowboarding is evolving so rapidly and what seemed to be an impossible trick a few years ago now is common; there can be no best trick to do, since it might not exist yet.  At the time you are about to go pro, you will know what you have to do.

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