
What is the highest education degree you received?

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  1. MBA...Master's Business Administration

    Okay, have to edit my answer.  I just wanted to point out, that all of the people with advanced degrees have a low percentage when you look at "Best Answer" picked.  The person with the high school diploma is way ahead.  Not sure what that says, but found it interesting.

  2. associate of arts, pre-business.

  3. Masters in Education.

  4. I have 2 masters and am working on Ph.d

  5. masters in early childhood education

  6. Master of Education M.Ed. (plus 60 hours)

  7. High School Diploma, baby!!!!!!  :)

    But I have about 10 strong years worth of work experience.  A lot of employers will take experience over education.

    In some feilds, there are just some things that you can't learn from a book.  You need hands on experience.

    I'm content with that.  I am a self taught and self educated person.  I'm an avid read and researcher on various subjects.  I just don't go to a formal school to do so.

    I don't feel like I need to pay $50,000 for a peice of paper to tell me I'm educated.

    To each their own.  :)

    It's sad too because I actually get paid more than some of the people I work with who DO have college education.  ...and they're still paying their student loans off.

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