
What is the highest elevation a commercial airline plane can go?

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Just wondering, thanks




  1. service ceiling (not the highest it can go, but the highest that it can still climb at 200fpm) for a 777 is 43,100 -

    i'd expect that to be in the same area as all the big ones.

    alternately, if you are wondering how high controlled airspace is - it is 60,000 feet - that is the upper limit of the troposhere near the equator -

  2. It can still fly at 50000ft but that is approaching it's physical limits.

    There are elevation lanes in the sky for commercial, private, and military.  I don't know the exact elevations but commercial are usually operating in the 20000 to 40000 range. Military at 50000 plus.....etc.

  3. Most commecial aircraft have a service ceiling of anywhere from 39,000ft to 43,000ft above sea level.

    Private jets can go a little bit higher.

    The Cessna Citation X has a service ceiling of 51,000ft.

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