
What is the highest score possible under the Code of Points?

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Mind you I'm not a gymnast, just a big fan, so I don't know much about this. But I do know that many prominent gymnasts are pissed that the most recent Code of Points pretty much eliminates the "perfect 10". So if a score of 10 is not possible under the CoP, what is the highest possible score a gymnast can achieve?

On another note, who else thinks the new CoP sucks? Granted, perfect 10's are uber rare, but it's happened. I feel like it favors difficulty over execution personally...




  1. The highest score a gymnastic can receive is a 20, 10 for difficulty and 10 for execution. Even gymnasts who get best in the world for individual events don't get 10's in either section, so it's almost impossible. Unless someone is FREAKIN AMAZING at gymnastics. The highest start value ( the score a gymnast has without any deductions ) i've seen is a 17.7. This is Nastia Liukins uneven bars start score. She is the world champion on that event, so basically her start score is the highest. So yeah, the CoP pretty much eliminates the perfect 10.

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