
What is the highest temperature acheived by means of solar concentration?

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What is the highest temperature acheived by means of solar concentration?




  1. In principle, you could get 5600 K.  In practice, because of atmospheric absorption and imperfect lenses, you can't get anywhere near that hot -- but you can still get enough heat to produce power, if you are willing to invest enough money.

  2. The solar tower at Sandia gets extremely hot. They use it to test ablative materials for re-entry vehicles.

  3. I don't think there is any upper limit. If you think you are at a limit, just add another mirror and the temperature will be higher.

    lots of articles around, here is part of one:

    Solar furnaces: concentrating 100,000 suns. (new solar power developments)

    Mechanical Engineering-CIME,  February, 1991  by Rosen, Jerome in partnership with Optical solar concentrators, also called solar furnaces, focus the light of the sun onto a small target area. The rapid heating generated by this light--up to 1 million degrees per second--can be used to supply power for lasers to destroy toxic chemicals, grow thin-film crystals, or work metals into tough corrosion-resistant alloys.

    In a series of experiments conducted in January 1990, a University of Chicago researcher under the direction of physics professor Roland Winston achieved a record concentration of 84,000 suns,

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