
What is the highly paid temporary/ seasonal jobs in Italy?

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What is the highly paid temporary/ seasonal jobs in Italy?




  1. you need to make up your mind whether or not you are going to usa, italy, germany or the uk, and whether you are 23, 24 or 25...and you need to decide whether you have a boyfriend, don't have a boyfriend, have a husband, don't have a husband, want to marry a british, american or german guy etc.

    Your questions are ridiculous.  People are giving you answers and trying to help, but you lie in your questions about everything.

    If you want to go to a foreign country on a working visa, then get your act together and do it, but don't go just because you want to find a husband.  Go because you want to visit a new country and do something new!  If you travel to USA and they figure out you are looking for a husband and an in (which, honestly, it sounds like you are doing) then you will be deported back to SriLanka and most places won't give you another visa!!!

    And you have to be prepared to work hard and in some crappy jobs...

    If you are really serious about any of this, then post a question explaining EXACTLY what you want to do and where you want to go!!

    (For anyone else, who is reading my comment thinking I am being a b*tch, look on her profile and read the questions she has been will understand!!!)

  2. gelataio


    Good luck!!

  4. hi,

    generally, in Italy seasonal job are not very well paid, excluded for the job of waiter in north Italy, it is good paid but you have to work hard.

    Other seasonal jobs are poorly paid and most of time employ foreigners illegally for not paying taxes and for saving money


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