
What is the history of global warming in the past 100 years?

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What is the history of global warming in the past 100 years?




  1. Saq428: what a load of rubbish

    I probably don't have enough room or time to address all your silly points.

    1) The U.N want to weaken capitalist economies,

    the majority of U.N. Member countries are capitalist economies

    2)Because the sun is warmer,

    The only place the sun is warmer is on blog sites if you actually go to Nasa or any of the science sites solar output hasn't changed since the 70's

    The last two paragraphs sum it up.

    3) Mars polar caps are melting,

    Given (2) and the fact Mars is nothing like the Earth i.e -120c winters  -20c summers almost no atmosphere and what there is is Co2 and planet wide dust storms there is nothing to compare.

    4) Global cooling in the 70s

    5) One degree in a century. Now that's frightening.

    Considering only a couple more is enough to start the large scale melt of Greenland and Antarctica it is frightening As our Co2 output is only going up we will get the next 2c in less than a hundred years.

    Jumping to the end cause I can't really be bothered anymore

    "Why are global warming proponents insisting that the matter is settled and that no further scientific research is needed? Why are they afraid of additional information"

    Scientific research hasn't stopped, papers are still being published all the time data is still being collected. This is were most of the opponents info comes from, little theories that are put forward and discarded are picked up by deniers and polished off and called well respected science even when the people who wrote the paper have changed their minds e.g. the solar output paper.

  2. Ask Al Gore.

    He invented global warming hysteria.

  3. well,  despite the bleating of those who feel you can't be a conservative if you believe in climate change and therefore it can't exist, this the history of global warming in the past 140 years

    and this is the history of global warming in the past 1000 years

    you know, they say understanding a graph is 90% of understanding science. what do you think?

  4. I dont know we will have to ask Al Gore when he gets back from his tropical vacation in Tahiti.    Was just to cold for him here for some reason!! HEY AL where are ya when we really need ya!! Hello AL ya there AL!!!!?

  5. Wow, it's interesting to me that recently the IPCC and the NOAA have decided that the Medieval Warm Period that preceded the Little Ice Age either didn't happen or wasn't global. Yet the warming going on now is global. Temps in that period were substantially warmer than today and we're still recovering from the Little Ice Age that didn't end until the 1800s. No doubt the IPCC or another AGW group will overturn that data too and find that it didn't happen. You'll never convince the thousands who starved to death because the ground was frozen and they couldn't plant crops though. No wait, they've already done that, see the second link.

    In 1780 New York Harbor froze and you could walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. Have you tried that lately?

    As late as 1300 they were farming on Greenland, which is now covered in perma-frost. They were growing grapes and producing wine in Nova Scotia and England and it's still not warm enough to do that today. Yet now we see graphs showing we have the warmest temps in 1000 years. If you play with the numbers enough, they can show whatever you like, just ask Jim Hansen of GISS.

    This past January was .75 degrees C colder than January 2007. Will it get colder from now on or warmer? It will vary just as it has always varied. What they now call climate change we used to call the weather.

  6. Why I'm not buying this man-made global warming myth:

    The United Nations is anti-American and anti-Capitalist. In short .. I don't trust them. Not a bit. The UN would eagerly engage in any enterprise that would weaken capitalist economies around the world.

    Because after the fall of the Soviet Union and worldwide Communism many in the anti-capitalist movement moved to the environmental movement to continue pursuing their anti-free enterprise goals. Many of the loudest proponents of man-made global warming today are confirmed anti-capitalists.

    Because the sun is warmer .. and all of these scientists don't seem to be willing to credit a warmer sun with any of the blame for global warming.

    The polar ice caps on Mars are melting. How did our CO2 emissions get all the way to Mars?

    It was warmer in the 1930s across the globe than it is right now.

    It wasn't all that long ago that these very same scientists were warning us about "global cooling" and another approaching ice age?

    How much has the earth warmed up in the last 100 years? One degree. Now that's frightening.

    Because that famous "hockey stick" graph that purports to show a sudden warming of the earth in the last few decades is a fraud. It ignored previous warming periods ... left them off the graph altogether.

    The infamous Kyoto accords exempt some of the world's biggest CO2 polluters, including China and India.

    The Kyoto accords can easily be seen as nothing less than an attempt to hamstring the world's dominant capitalist economies.

    Because many of these scientists who are sounding the global warming scare depend on grant money for their livelihood, and they know the grant money dries up when they stop preaching the global warming sermon.

    Because global warming "activists" and scientists seek to punish those who have different viewpoints. If you are sure of your science you have no need to shout down or seek to punish those who disagree.

    What happened to the Medieval Warm Period? In 1996 the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a chart showing climatic change over a period of 1000 years. This graph showed a Medieval warming period in which global temperatures were higher than they are today. In 2001 the IPCC issued another 1000 year graph in which the Medieval warming period was missing. Why?

    Why has one scientist promoting the cause of man-made global warming been quoted as saying "we have to get rid of the medieval warming period?"

    Why is the ice cap on the Antarctic getting thicker if the earth is getting warmer?

    In the United State, the one country with the most accurate temperature measuring and reporting records, temperatures have risen by 0.3 degrees centigrade over the past 100 years. The UN estimate is twice that.

    There are about 160,000 glaciers around the world. Most have never been visited or measured by man. The great majority of these glaciers are growing, not melting.

    Side-looking radar interferometry shows that the ice mass in the West Antarctic is growing at a rate of over 26 gigatons a year. This reverses a melting trend that had persisted for the previous 6,000 years.

    Rising sea levels? The sea levels have been rising since the last ice age ended. That was 12,000 years ago. Estimates are that in that time the sea level has risen by over 300 feet. The rise in our sea levels has been going on long before man started creating anything but natural CO2 emissions.

    Like Antarctica, the interior of Greenland is gaining ice mass.

    Over the past 3,000 years there have been five different extended periods when the earth was measurably warmer than it is today.

    During the last 20 years -- a period of the highest carbon dioxide levels -- global temperatures have actually decreased. That's right ... decreased.

    Why did a reporter from National Public Radio refuse to interview David Deming, an associate professor at the University of Oklahoma studying global warming, after his testimony to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unless Deming would state that global warming was being caused by man?

    Why are global warming proponents insisting that the matter is settled and that no further scientific research is needed? Why are they afraid of additional information?

  7. A history in movies.

    The 1973 movie "Soylent Green" depicts an over populated and polluted world where they don't have winter any more due to the greenhouse effect. So at least as far back as 1973 the idea was floating around.

    But global warming as a popular cause for most people outside the scientific community DEFINITELY dates only back to the 2006. movie, "An Inconvenient Truth". Before that it was not the talk of the town like it is now.

    But scientists and leaders had been talking about it since at least 1992 when the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted.

  8. After the rather cold Little Ice Age, the earth finally started to warm. We warmed up until around 1940, when temperatures again started to fall through the 70's. Around 1980, we again started to warm up till now. Who knows what will come next.

    It is interesting how man experienced a rather difficult time climate wise up until the late 1800's. We finally luck out and warm up a modest 1 degree after the Little Ice Age, and we have these yahoos running around telling us it is bad. Ask all the people who have dies from cold exposure (MUCH more than heat exposure) how bad global warming is.

  9. WOW a huge HUGE HUGE HUGE breakthrough ......i was just looking it up in the 1900 they had like 89 percent less of like a global warming chance .......we also now have HUGE HUGE problems in the artic ............ They had WAY WAY less pollutiopn back then and also they had nothing to worry about this subject...we need help stop global warming(i was thinking that having fast food restaruants recycle)

    It is growing more and more each passing we should stop it....more and more animals and EVEN people are dieing cuz of global warming...the charts are rising hemdesiosly cuz of waste in pollution....

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