
What is the history of my name McCormick? I'm pretty sure its Scottish?

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Does anyone have ties to this name and pathways to follow in reseaching it? Thanks.




  1. It is not a Scottish name necessarily but it is mainly an Irish name. Another form of this name is McCormack and I know that a McCormack family is in Northern Ireland.

  2. McCORMICK was derived from the Gaelic MacChormaig - a baptismal name 'the son of Cormac'. Many of the families of the name in Ulster are of Scottish origin, being a branch of the clan Buchanan-MacCormick of MacLaine. Early records of the name mention Gillecrist mac Cormac who was a witness to a grant of the Abbey of Deer in 1132. Hester M'Gormock was heir of Gilbert M'Cormock in Barley, Scotland in 1696. A later record is that of Cyrus Hall McCormick (1809-84) an American inventor and industrialist who was born in Rockbridge, Virginia. He was the son of Robert McCormick (1780-1846) who patented many implements for agricultural use. During a time of intense competition in American agriculture the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company emerged as the leader in the competition. This company went on to become the International Harvester Company and his son, Cyrus Hall Jun. (1859-1936), as the first president and cahirman of the board. John MacDonald MacCormick (1904-61) was a Scottish nationalist politician, born in Glasgow. He was a graduate of Glasgow University and he went on to become the chairman of the Scottish National party from its foundation in 1934 until 1942. After this he went on to found and become chairman of the Scottish Convention, and cairman of the National Assembly which organized the Scottish Covenant in 1949 which attracted two million signatures but achieved nothing. He also wrote 'The Flag in the Wind' in 1955. The associated arms are recorded in Sir Bernard Burkes General Armory. Ulster King of Arms in 1884. Surnames as we know them today were first assumed in Europe from the 11th to the 15th Century. They were not in use in England or in Scotland before the Norman Conquest, and were first found in the Domesday Book. The employment in the use of a second name was a custom that was first introduced from the Normans. They themselves had not long before adopted them. It became, in course of time, a mark of gentler blood, and it was deemed a disgrace for gentlemen to have but one single name, as the meaner sort had. At first the coat of arms was a practical matter which served a function on the battlefield and in tournaments. With his helmet covering his face, and armour encasing the knight from head to foot, the only means of identification for his followers, was the insignia painted on his shield and embroidered on his surcoat, the flowing and draped garment worn over the armour.

  3. Be wary of surname product peddlers.  There is no such thing as a family crest.  A crest is part of a coat of arms. Coats of arms do not belong to surnames.  They were and are granted to individuals and are passed down through the direct male line of descent.

    There might have been, for instance, 15 different men named McCormick that were each granted their own coat of arms, all different.  The peddlers that sell them won't have all 15.  They don't need to in order to sell to people who do not understand heraldry.  The only time they will have more than one is if persons of the same surname from more than one national origin were granted one when in fact there might have been 5 of each national origin.

    See the links below: one regarding Scottish coats of arms, one from the British College of Arms and one from the most prestigious genealogical organization in the U.S., The National Genealogical Society.

  4. Best way I know to check for records in Scotland. Check birth records,marriage certificaites,and crimnal records(you have to remeber the church threw people for all kinds of

    reasons).It may a bit tedious but my family thought they were Scotch because of the name Scott and seems they were protestant potato farmers who were scruntized by the church.My ancestor moved to Ireland.

  5. It is Scottish. "Mc" is a Scottish word that stands for "Son of", and the rest of the name is "Cormick", so it literally  means "Son of Cormick"

    Add your first name, and you are "(name), son of Cormick"

  6. Here you go.  Seems you might be a sept of the Clan Buchanan, just like my name is.

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