
What is the horse/rider that escorts a race horse to the gate called?

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What is the horse/rider that escorts a race horse to the gate called?




  1. they are out riders, these guys and gals are also for chasing and catching loose horses on the track. If you've ever seen a horse toss it's rider and then take off, then see these guys go after the loose horse you'd see what a great job they do!

  2. Out riders are the people that take up the front and rear of the post parade to the gates also responsible for catching loose horses, etc..  Pony people ride along side the race horses and lead them to the gates.

  3. I would call them a very lucky person.

  4. in OZ it is the 'Clerk of the course'

  5. Around the track I go to they are just refered to as ponyers or pony horses

  6. *outrider* is the correct answer..........most of those horses live at the track in various training barns..........some are even x racehorses or horses whom did not want to race..........They are *ponying* the horse to the gate!

    My horses race at Laurel, Charles Town, Penn..........and pimlico..........all have been good to me.............i have one coming up ready with a bottom in her to race by Dec or Jan .........i hope she is as honest and competitive as her dam was for me!!

  7. An "outrider"

    This seems to have a calming effect on the competing horse.

  8. racehorsegal has it right - give her  the Gold Star.

    Tho I would be less polit correct and say "pony girl," if the rider is  female, or pony boy is male.

    By the way, at one time all jockeys were called "boy." Don't hear that much anymore. We've all gone crazy.

  9. The Lead Pony ridden by a pony person escorts the racehorse to the gate and can be an independent contractor employed by the trainer to do just that or an employee of the trainer himself. The outrider (there are usually three on the track during a race) lead the Post Parade and the entire field of horses to the starting gate. The outriders main responsibilities are

    1) to catch a horse that gets loose prior to the start,

    2). catch a horse that gets loose during the running of the race. (Since these horses usually go on to run with the pack the outrider waits until the field is pulling up.)  

    3). Stop a race in the event that something occurs on the track that will be in the way on the oncoming field and could cause casualties (stalled tractor that pulls starting gate, fallen horses and riders unable to be moved)

  10. The horses that escort a race horse to the gate is called a "pony".  Sometimes it's a retired thoroughbred or quarter horse. It's not only an escort, but must be able to RUN and catch loose horses in times of emergency.  And they are also used in the morning training hours for assisting exercise riders for galloping.  The rider is called a "pony boy " or "pony girl ".

  11. Im a jockey here in Australia,and we call them,"The Clerk of The Course."

    Usually a white horse they use in big city meetings and the clerk allways wears a red jacket,thats formal.

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