
What is the hottest it gets in Ireland? During summer AND winter.?

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And the coldest? During summer AND winter.

Also, about how many times a month does it rain? During summer AND winter.




  1. it does matter what time of year you go it still beautiful and you still wont want to leave.

  2. its usually really cold, theres this joke in one of my favourite irish books where one irish person says "remember last summer" and the other says "it was on a wednesday wasn't it"..... but a year ago next weekend we had a weekend where it was actually hotter here than miami, my third degree burns being evidence

  3. It was 28 degrees here yesterday (5 July)!!  Wetter in the west  but also milder there in the summer.

    Cork seems to get it not too bad all year round!

  4. nadine from girls aloud is the hottest!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. tell you what,its better if you went there yourself,spend summer and winter over.dont forget the thermometer. i dont trust anybody especialy when it comes to global warming.

  6. A hot summer's day here would be 25c - we sometimes get it hotter, but rarely.

    During the winter, the coldest we would regularly get would be about -2c - again, sometimes colder, but never VERY cold.

    It rains all year round.

  7. No matter what time of year you go to Ireland, always pack a sweater and a rain jacket!

    Summer can be ok. Us Irish think 70 degrees is hot enough for a day trip to the beach, but it can be warmer. The thing is, it's not always consistent. Monday could be 75 degree and Tuesday could dip to 60 and raise back up to 80 on Wednesday!

    Winter is COLD! Don't think snow, coz there isn't always that much.

    The problem with Ireland is that there is high humidity all year round. In the winter, this means that no matter what you wear, the cold will go right through you. Night temps can be as low as 25 or 30 in the depth of winter, and around 35 to 42 during the day.

    I have often been able to deal with 30 below in Chicago better than 25 above in Dublin in the winter!!!

  8. It is very hard to gauge or predict the weather, Ireland has a  temperate maritime climate (much like the UK or some North Western Europe countries). Ireland, siting on the Atlantic Ocean is blessed with a warm current which flows from the Equator, if we didn't have this Ireland will be a really cold country.

    We get mild winters (roughly between -2C and 10Cish), average summers, however it occasional can be up to 25C, it rarely exceeds this, but it has(highest on record was 33C over a hundred years ago!!!); its consistently humid throughout the year; its overcast more times than not. It rains regularly but its usually light.

    Hope it helps, all this geography is hurting my head.

  9. TrishD is very accurate in her report! However she omits to say that around the WHOLE coast (and more so the West coast) it very rarely gets below +5 [about 40F?] at any time day or night Winter os Summer. In the centre of the island on clear winter nights it CAN drop to -10. And yes! Humidity is an issue. It's why it is known as the Emerald Isle.

    And to clarify, when Trish says it 'rains all the year round' she probably means it CAN rain any time any month. Jan thru Dec. biut that does not mean it WILL.

    I have seen dry spells in Ireland lasting for weeks at a time!

    Any month of the year this can happen

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