
What is the html code for publishling images from your computer to a site/page?

by  |  earlier

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<img src="something or other that I cannot figure out" back or forward slash, I think? >

Do I need to add the entire location of the image (i.e. My computer/ Pictures/ Folder Name/ Image.gif/jpg/bmp), or is there more that I'm missing? Please help---many thanks.




  1. &lt;img src=&quot;filepath&quot; alt=&quot;alternate text to be displayed when mouse over or when image doesn&#039;t appear&quot;&gt;

    The file path is relative to where the file is located.

    for instance to get the file path to a picture in a folder inside the same folder in you site would be images/image.gif with images being the folder and image.gif being the picture.

    to go up a level out of the current folder you would use ../

    for example to get to the folder that your folder that contains the HTML file the file path would be ../image.gif

  2. No, don&#039;t add the full path from your computer when publishing to the web.

    You would do &lt;img src=&quot;yourimagename.jpg&quot;&gt;

    You have to make sure you have the image uploaded as well as the page you are writing this code on.

    And the code has to point to the right directory. For example, if you have your image in a folder called &quot;images&quot; then the code would be

    &lt;img src=&quot;images/yourimagename.jpg&quot;&gt;

  3. &lt;img src=&quot;url goes here&quot; alt=&quot; &quot; / &gt;

    If the your page is online, and your picture is on your computer it won&#039;t display unless you upload it first. You can find a free photo hosting site, or upload it at the place that host your website.

    Photo hosting

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