
What is the human being's greatest faculty? reason? imagination?

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  1. WAR

  2. Either alone is a powerful, powerful tool... But together, imagination empowered by reason, that is the mind of the most brilliant people on this planet.

    Out of the two reason is the superior. You could reach the same conclusion with just reason as you would with both. It would just take longer.

    To Saul... But Doubt itself can lead us away from reason... It can make us take unnecessary precautions.

  3. The greatest human faculty is to develop its consciousness to the fullest level and there by analyze & understand its origine as the Total Consciousness the other name of God.

  4. Faculty of discrimination.


    Utilize BOTH reason and imagination in helping you write.

    If I were you I would pick out imagination.

    I hint that you should write about the combination of both. Nothing can be discovered without both working in tandem. Man applies himself best when he uses the two together- for example- "self-made" millionare stories. People tend to favor reason because it does the work per se. They neglect that without the imagination, man's potention, reason's potential is stunted and handicapped.

  6. Faith

    John 3:16

  7. Our ability to adapt to change,

    We adapt to the changes in our bodies, weather, relationships, responsibility, mishaps, experiences, work,  children, death.

  8. Thomas Jefferson would say Reason although I think imagination is what has made our society. If we did not have people who imagined making say, bridges, we would not have bridges today. Or water spigets or telephones. Yes I know, they may be called inventor's but they did imagine what they wanted to make.

  9. The typical human being's greatest faculty is reason, while the greatest human beings' greatest faculty is imagination. Clearly imagination is more important. Reason is just the reiteration of what was once imagined.

  10. reasoning,  without that we would have killed ourselves off

  11. I contend that doubt is a human being's greatest faculty. The eye can lie to you, the mind can play tricks on you, even your best powers of reasoning can be faulty.

    But doubt tests all of these, and in the end leads us to truth.

    For those who have faith, having faith but no doubt leaves one open to ridiculous extremes - like the idea that women are spiritually inferior to men, for instance.


  12. I believe its imagination, because we humans can think of some "things"..some of them can be so deceptive and delusional to all sorts of things.  There is a song by the Temptations that says "just my imagination, running away with me, it was just my imagination, running away with opinion

  13. Imagination creates the vision for what could be, reason then makes it happen - They are inextrcably linked and one without the other is useless.

    Man's greatest faculty is thought - both rational and fantastic.

  14. Love.

    Love is the path and goal.

    Love is the answer to all questions.

    Love is the source of all power.

  15. Interesting question!

    It is my contention that imagination is the greatest faculty human possessed.

    Man is the first animal that questioned and sought answers to his questioning. In the beginning his imagination ran far ahead of his knowledge. He conjured up explanations for himself that were both wonderful and terrifying, and in spite of his terror he ventrured forth.

    Today we extend our sensory powers with instruments. We know the solar system as the Greeks of Ulysses' time could know even their Medtiterranena. We feed tons of accumulated data into machines and we map the universe we are about to explore. when we know in advance about the hazards of the journey into space is more than enough to make the mind reel. And there is still a vast unknown, which we cannot know until our ventures go and return to tell us about it. Yet there are ventures eager to go, as Columbus was eager, and as we imagine the Stone Age men at the caves were eager.

    This is the nature of man, the animal whose wondering mind drives first his imagination and then hinself to see what is really there.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  16. willpower

  17. Here is what Einstein had to say...

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge... "

    Albert Einstein

    US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)

    Personally, I think that mercy is the human being's greatest faculty.

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