
What is the humour behind "In Soviet Russia..." jokes?

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I don't understand where the humour is in "In Soviet Russia..." jokes. For example:

In America, you catch a cold.

In Soviet Russia, cold catches you!

In America, you can always find a party.

In Soviet Russia, Party finds you!

In America, you drive car.

In Soviet Russia, car drives you!

In America, You watch TV.

In Soviet Russia, TV watch YOU!

To name a few...

Does anyone know how these jokes originated or how they're humorous? I'd really like to know.




  1. Very old jokes about Communism...!

    #1 It is always cold in Russia

    #2The communist party will always find you out...!

    #3 the car is a Skoda, which will drive you mad...!

    #4 Think Big Brother. (1984).!

  2. How do you get rid of rats in the Kermlin? Put up a sign that says "Collective Farm" and half of the rats will stave and the other half will leave.

    Remember in the Soviet Union it would be a crime to tell these jokes and even hearing and laughing at one could send you to a Soviet concentration camp. Telling these jokes then was not only gallows humor but also resistance to the political system. The humor comes then from something that is not allowed but bonds you to others sharing the same experience (the same way would might tell jokes about work or school.)  

  3. i think it's talking about KGB how they watched and listened to everything everyone said, and if u said something against the communist party...ur arrested and driven away to go to prison.

  4. In soviet russia, question answers YOU!!

    Hope this  helps

  5. its cold there



    under camera


  6. You ask how they're humorous? Basically they are not, never were and will never be.

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