
What is the idea behind the "virginity test"? What useful purpose could it serve? I'm truly shocked!

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kris you are plainly wrong or unable to read - i don't agree with the views you attribute to me - i have looked at your links - misinterpretation is extreme and serious. I am here refuting your claims - your links- your words and your fantasy of what I am actually saying. Reactivity is really sad and mostly not well thought through. If you knew me you would know that I have spent a lot of time on this forum advocating for men's and boys rights. You would also understand that

the term "culture" in my answer as inclusive of men and women. You would also understand that advocating better mentoring and role modeling by men for men is a masculanist position.




  1. It's an invasion to privacy and it's complete nonsense from the extremist feminists.

    I share your concern really :P, and i tell you that you should calm down, there's no way that such thing will be approved.

    It represents trouble for the schools to get into something that is none of their business, money from the government, for the parents to agree; and of course, the girls are not going to agree at all, nor will the boyfriends.

    STDs can be acquired trough blood or such, and the hymen can break with riding bikes, more studies the the government will not afford will have to be done, and it will put ht girls in serious problems and accusations that might not even be truthful.

    Also, aside from feminists and weirdos, nobody is considering this :P, so don't worry.

  2. In the past protecting the Royal Bloodlines was to preserve the claim to the Throne and to hold onto power. Adultery against the King was seen as treason against the State. This also happened to Men who were thought to have cheated on Queen Elizabeth the "Virgin Queen".

    Islam and some other traditions require that Women lose their virginity with their Husbands. As this was the only assurance that they would be only having children with their Husband. And this was to preserve the claims of the extended Family or Tribe. It meant survival not just a romantic or emotional attachment.

    This view prevails in many Third World nations to this day. DNA testing can now show if a child is the Father's or not.

  3. Don't read to deeply into it. We fell victim to a troll attack.

           And don't turn this Topsy turfy and cry victim garbage.

            I guess you missed the post about using drugs on young men to suppress "urges". That is far more dangerous and harmful. But your fixation on only one of the two ultra insulting blood boiling questions reveals much.

             The word misandry ring a bell?



    If you want to see how sexist this question is read an interesting and suprisingly emotionless responce to something even more horrifying then a virginity test.

    really how much of a man hater do you have to be to post that? I ussually don't let things get to me but come on that is a sick answer. Very disturbing.


    I find it amusing how radicals try to spin things. No this is not an anti idea, because a true anti feminist is more of a equaltarian. All I know about it is the person or troll had a female avatar. And I havent seen one person try and justify it. Anti, feminist or nuetral. The only person that justified or semi supported a sick idea here is all the way at the top here and right in the middle there:


    I am not thinking too fast. You tried to justify using castration chemicals on boys and male teenagers.


    Follow the link.... And you will see what I am saying.


    Not really. You just used a sick question to rant about percieved abuses against women, while ignoring the question at hand.

    "Our popular culture reinforces and relies on the sexualisation of women and girls. Our culture still presents womens worth and being as extensions of men's. Our culture tacitly and overtly uses violence against women as a control mechanism and also simply as a "normal" pleasure. It's not sophisticated, it is inhuman."

    Your level of indifference is disturbing.

    It would be the equivalent of talking about teenage mothers in the original virginity test question. Justify your actions all you want I still don't buy it.

    Ok in a question about using chemical castration and chastity belts to control young males all you talk about is :" Our culture tacitly and overtly uses violence against women as a control mechanism and also simply as a "normal" pleasure. It's not sophisticated, it is inhuman".

        I am sorry if I missed you saying that chemical castration is a bad idea. You know answer the question... Your indifference is a clear sign of hate.

  4. Any one shares your concern to  have an opinion? It is the blame game - where's the recognition of young women and the complex choices they face and the hostile culture.

    They feel she lost her chastity? There are innumerable cases happened like" during playing games etc many girls in reality loose their sanctity meaning her chastity?

  5. There are various religions that have felt the need to "virginity test" their women.  I have never heard it with Christianity, though I would not be surprised if it was done in the past.  The main place I hear it bing done is in India and parts of Africa.  The sad thing is there really isn't a true way to "virginity test".  The hymen can be broken or torn in many innocent ways, especially during childhood.

    The person that posted this question is a true moron who obviously knows nothing about schools or "virginity tests".  You can barely get kids drug tested at this point.

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