
What is the ideal enclosure for a spotted python hatchling?

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I am getting a spoted python hatchling shortly and i just bought a tank that is about 60 cm long, 45 cm wide & 42 cm high. i need to know if i can have sand on the botom of the encolure, if it is okay to put a small snake in a big enclosure and do i need a light for the enclosure if i have a heat mat in the corner?

if you can give me an answer to any of these it will help me out a lot.




  1. the snake will love a big enclosure because it will get the excersice it needs ...BUT DO NOT put sand at the bottom unless it is a sand snake...the sand can get in the snakes eye and get all up in its mouth and nose...DO NOT USE it ..the best and most attractive thing is aspen..(thats what i have for my corn snake)and you do not need light if you have an heat pad ...hope this helpss

  2. If you want to use the bigger enclosure you can, but for now I suggest a small 'click clack' container. This is just a plastic container with a secure fitting lid, you can drill small holes in the side and lid for ventilation or use a soldering iron.

    This is because small snakes can become stressed in large enclosures if not enough hides are given, plus its harder to control the thermal gradient.

    For a hatchling spotted something about 40cm long, 30cm wide and 20cm high will be big enough until the animal is well over a year old.

    You won't need a light, just place it an a reasonably well lit area during the day.

    As for substrate, just stick with paper towels. They are clean, easy, and convienient to use, much better than aspen or anything else, especially for a young animal.

    Good luck and enjoy your new cutey!

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