
What is the ideal number of kids to have?

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i think 4




  1. It depends on you entirely. What may be ideal for you may not be so for me. I have three and expecting my fourth and i dont regret it an inch. It is entirely up to you. All the best as you decide!

  2. 2

  3. well i have 4 children and i love them dearly. They are very good kids and i count myself very lucky for them being such well behaved kids as nowadays thats rare to find. BUT if i had the choice again to start from fresh i would only have 2 children as i found it very difficult financially. The older they get, the more money they cost you. The more kids you have the more expensive it gets. Then there is the problem when you want to go for a day out in the car of where to sit them all (unless you got a 7seater). Then when going on holiday it costs you twice as much as they mainly accomodate for 4 people per apartment. so you have to get a bigger one or 2 of them. Then there is the room space of the house (unless your house is big). as when they get older and dont want to share the same room, it causes lots of arguements. Kids that get older want their own space. I have 3 bedrooms and my boys share one room, my daughter has her own room as your not supposed to put girls in with boys. then my hubby and i have the 3rd bedroom. And still there is no room lol.

    But all in all, everything is great and as i said, i wouldnt be without them as i love them all to bits.

  4. as the third child of 4 I must strongly object to having 4 kids. Besides, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why you should have 4 kids. There are enough people in the world.

  5. None is the ideal number.  Any above that number causes all sorts of problems throughout your life.

  6. I have two a boy and a girl and its perfect. Although I have 3 siblings

  7. I think 2-3 kids are ideal but everyone has their own number. I saw have as many as your budget can hold!

  8. i have 5, growing up i wanted 4, but when i had 4, it just wasnt enough. Now i have 5 my family is complete. But its completely what you feel is right, noone can influence your decision on how many kids you have.


  9. 12 I would say is about right.

  10. depend on what you going to use them for if it's family allowance as many as you get your wife to have but 9 gets you a good income and no need to work if its to do the house work 2 but it takes time for them to become useful as for anything else it's the time factor between birth and usefulness that's a problem

  11. we have 3 & they are an handful.especially now they are all teenagers :-)

  12. well l have a little boy he be 5 years old next month and lm expecting our second child in end of july or august,we waiting to see,l rather have two children and l be happy.

    my real mum shes not here with us she had 3 boys and three girls lm one of them so thats tells sister got three boys and my other sister got 2 boys and 1 girl they both happy and me like l said l am sticking to two children,l told my husband that and hes agrees as you got to think of income you get.

    well in america the woman and her hubby had 20 kids thats crazy enough l think.

    1,2,3,4 is enough really but if l ever get pregnant again l will always be happy with a 3rd child but whos knows l say l wont have no more but l think we will eventually in few years the line.

  13. Three,one of each.

  14. for myself is 3.. if 2 quarrel sure left one they can talk with. Haha.. now i got 2... already looks like a mad woman most of the time, what if i got 3 kids? no no no.. lolz

  15. it depends if you are an immigrant or born here

  16. Depends on your financial and emotional situation. How many kids can you afford? They are very expensive and can you give the same to each of them, love them equally and give them the same amount of attention.

  17. i think one or two (for myself anyway) for others the number may be different

  18. its according to your circumstances  - I have four - all adults now but from two marriages.  Only have as many as you can afford.

  19. i think 2

  20. According to Sir Winston Churchill, the ideal number of children to have is four--one to recreate the husband, one to recreate the wife, one for an increase in population and the fourth in case of accidents.

    I think it depends somewhat on the gender of the children.  Ideally there should be at least one boy and one girl.  I like the idea of more than two.  We had five sons, no daughters, which was a bit of a testosterone overload.

    So I would be inclined to go with Churchill unless there is a nice mix of boys and girls.

    Then I'd keep it affordable.

  21. i think 0

  22. I love to have 2, a girl & a boy, maxium 4 (but that would cost too much!haha)

    I have a lovely girl already, so Im hoping to have a little boy when my baby is a bit older.


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