
What is the ideal personality type for an INTJ's boyfriend, according to the Myers-Briggs personality test?

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What is the ideal personality type for an INTJ's boyfriend, according to the Myers-Briggs personality test?




  1. You can't really say that there would be an ideal type for a given type.  However, I usually recommend that N's stick with N's and S's stick with S's.  The N-S difference in ways of thinking is very important.  Two N's, who tend to be abstract thinkers, (or two S's, who tend to be concrete thinkers) can get on each other's wavelengths much more easily than an N and S can.  However, if one is a weak N and the other a strong S (or vice versa), there might be enough similarity to make it work.

    As for the other dimensions, sharing the same traits make you more similar to each other and having opposite traits make you more complementary.  Similar traits make a relationship easier, but opposite traits can make a relationship more deep (but getting there is more difficult).  So with an INTJ, an ENFP might be the most complementary.

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