
What is the impact of society with alcohol?

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What is the impact of society with alcohol?




  1. not good

  2. beer is the reason for organized society

    when crops first started to be planted the wheat was fermented into beer as a way to make water more drinkable and put to use any surplus crops. As people's taste for beer increased they planted more crops and settled into larger organized societies and it all develped from there.

  3. The impact of society cannot be made by an inanimate object as much as it can by human beings.

    People, all to often blame alcohol for why they beat their kids, their wife, for killing someone with a car, for the hurtful things they say when in reality if they hadn't been drinking it in the first place they wouldn't have behaved in such a way. The alcohol is not the problem it's the people. Fix the problem not the blame.

  4. Alcohol helps us to get through life in a reasonable manner when imbibed in a moderate fashion. When drunk to excess it contributes to the many unnecessary fatalities caused by so called accidents.

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