
What is the impact on country of global warming?

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What is the impact on country of global warming?




  1. There is no impact.  Its not real

  2. if you believe in global warming then you are either EMO or g*y

  3. The effects of Global Warming are the melting of the polar ice caps, and event which is already taking place.  The rising of sea water due to melting of the polar ice caps.  And the loss of land due to rising ocean waters.  It doesn't mean everyone's winter will suddenly get warmer.  Storms will get more violent.  This is already happening. Spring will come earlier.  Then if there is a sudden cold snap, the insects birds need to feed their young will die and so will the baby birds, This too is already happening.  There are other changes too numerous to mention.  Just look at NASAs photos of the polar ice caps shrinking!

  4. The effect here and in a lot of places across the globe was record cold temperatures this winter.  Go figure.

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