
What is the importance about natural selection and Evolution in Charles Darwin's time and in our time?

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What is the importance about natural selection and Evolution in Charles Darwin's time and in our time?




  1. Go here:

    and look for the link about the importance of evolution.

  2. The further development of science is always the most important factor in our society. Being able to turn observation of the world we live in, into idea's that try to make sense of this bug blue marble. To present an idea that would shake our understanding of the world such as proving the earth revolved around the sun or that the earth is round to people for their understanding is more important than all the money in the world.

    This particular theory about how the organisms on the planet came to form is a direct following of the scientific method in action. Observations lead to the idea that older species from the past were related to us, and we them. Dogs are a fantastic interpretation of evolution because they have the ability to change in only one to two generations. One hundred years ago, 80% of dog species didn't exist. Cross breeding and selective trait breeding have giving us a plethora of new canine species.

    Other than never stopping our observations of the physical world to better our understanding of it, the theory of evolution was just another example of always questioning authority. If it were not for one's constantly asking questions, we would still think the world was flat and that the universe revolved around us.

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