
What is the importance of a wedding ring?

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What is the importance of a wedding ring?




  1. commitment & announcement

  2. Symbolism of your everlasting love. However, if the reason you're asking is because you can't afford one or something similar, don't worry about it, since it's not like you NEED material things to show that you love someone, it's just a symbol.

  3. Nothing. Only emotional. A feeling. It is similar to any other ring. People have only sentimental attachment and feelings.

  4. a way to announce you two are married or engaged with your lips sealed...

  5. A bond of eternal and everlasting love =)

  6. when you get married you give the ring to the next person and tell them with this ring you thee wed , love , honor, cherish,all of that , be proud of the ring you wearing if you are , it represents that you a married man/woman and the manner at which people look at you wold be diffrent , cause marrage is based on alot of things and a ring is one of them

  7. its a symbolism of unity

  8. It is only important to those who come from a culture that uses it, like us Americans.  Otherwise it is not important at all.  

    It works well to keep the trolls off of you when you go out.  Won't keep them all away, but most anyway.

  9. The wedding ring is of course a circle, representing no beginning and no end to the relationship.

  10. Trust

  11. unity, trust, togetherness, circle of never ending love, commitment,

  12. The wedding ring has all sorts of traditional values. These values can be taken seriously or considered all c**p depending on the wearer.  I know a guy who was fooling around with a girl, he simply removed the ring every time he met her.  For all those who said that the ‘ring’ (circle) is a symbol of never ending love I have this to say. “Have you ever wondered, how thin is the line that makes the ring but how big is the hole within???”  Why does our love need a symbol???

    The more practical reason for wearing a wedding band or ring is:  -

    To show others that you are married so that those in the marriage market may stay away.

    As a token of love given by the spouse on the day they said,  Ã¢Â€ÂœI DO”

    To fulfill a religious requirement!!!.

  13. It has whatever amount of importance you assign to it. Traditionally, the ring - an unbroken circle - represent continuity, the eternity of love that you share with your spouse. It's a symbol that you belong to one another alone.

    However, you can have all those feelings without giving a darn about the symbol. In the end, it only means whatever you feel it means. It doesn't have any power or importance on its own.

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