
What is the importance of being a housewife ?

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What is the importance of being a housewife ?




  1. A housewife is the Control Panel of a house.  

  2. Housewife is complete INDEX of the family.

    My view, based on experience, is that only 'housewife' is responsible if her home/family is 'heaven' or 'h**l'.

  3. Because I don't want strangers (ie-daycare centers, television/media) raising my children. Values should be instilled from childhood & the mother (& father) should be central in doing this for their children's lives, not some teenager who couldn't care less.  

  4. Housewife" One who enjoys doing her work in an enclosed space keeping the internal environment in a sterile condition, free from dirt of all kinds. The extension of giving birth and with the keeping of a safe and clean environment for her child to live in safety from injuries. The enclosed environment for which the womb and the woman have been content until she was forced out by necessities for survival, unable to return unchanged by the influences of the cultural society which surrounds her home and her womb, her child and her reason for living " woman".


  6. I am a "house wife" I love getting up in the morning and cooking for my family, spending time with my girls all day, I like after my hubbys been working hard all day that he can come home to a greatful family, a clean house, and a hot supper. I feel like it is a gift I can give my family.-When may kids are in school I'll go back to work.

  7. good question...

    some womyn tell me to give special attention to your children and marriage..but i just see it as a house arrest towards womyn...but hey..i'm willing to change my mind if ppl convince me to

  8. Believe it or not, I know a couple that the mother of her husband and then his wife has always provided meals etc.. for her husband. I think her husband has possibly never cooked anything in his entire life! He will sit at the breakfast table in the morning just waiting for his wife to either cook him something or just pour cereal in his bowl. He will wait for an hour if he has to.  

  9. Because without them, there would be no next generation. Working women tend not to have that many kids, and the population numbers would crash if women didn't stay home to reproduce.

  10. The importance of this role tends to go from one end of the spectrum to the other, soley based on whether children are involved.

    It is extremely important where she is caring for children... otherwise, not so much.

  11. The PC term used now is homemaker.  They do what it implies, they care for the home (this would be a huge list of chores), take care of the meals and meal planning, do the laundry, decorate, run errands, manage social life.  Literally create and make a home for their self or their partner.

    If a couple chooses this lifestyle the benefit is that the one who works outside the home is free to concentrate of their work and career and support financially of the relationship.

    Of course, if there are children the list is much more extensive

  12. House Wife is most important link in upliftment of any society and ultimately the country. Remaining in house she can look after the child education propoerly who will ultimately work for the country. She can look after the helth and family members get food in time, properly, balance diet will make country a country of healthy people. Working lady may not give that much time to prepare helty diet they have to content with fast food.

  13. If that's what a woman chooses, then I don't have a problem with it. I do have a problem with those who feel it is their duty to shame women who choose other lifestyles to conform to what they feel is the only appropriate lifestyle for women, especially after they have children.

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