
What is the importance of community service and giving back to the communtity...why is it importatn to be a...

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golbal citizen




  1. It is truly unfortunate that our society only thinks of him/herself. People say, "Why do I need to support someone else?" "I don't want my tax money going to people who don't want to work."....But the truth is that most people live paycheck to if something were to happen to you (you lost your job, got in an accident, your apt. or home burned down) you probably couldn't afford to do anything about it. So we ALL are one step away from being homeless, poor, on welfare, and hoping that someone else had the decency to show up at the shelter to open the door for you, or provide food to you, or to hand you a blanket on a cold night. What is the point of being a community if we have no one to turn to? We all need someone/something at some point.....we should all care about what goes on around us....we should want to help those who may not be able to help themselves.

  2. What if no one gave blood and you were in a car wreck and needed blood!?

    What if you were hungry and no one gave to the food pantries?

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