
What is the importance of conserving energy??

by  |  earlier

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The needs to conserve are wasted nowdays and i wanted to find the solution.pleaseee?




  1. kinda common sense, we conserve and our bills are lower, consume less of limited resources and through recycling we are better stewards of the resources.

    also as stated, more use of energy creates more pollution.

  2. The importance of conserving energy is that whatever ur using the energy for: lights in ur home, driving ur car, washing-dishes-ur car, etc.  The results would be-less costs 4 u & maybe expand to others.

  3. If I can heat my home without using any fossil fuel, without nuclear or hydro power, I am confident that future shortages of fuels to produce energy will be less a concern to me.

    But if all of us cut our heating energy usage by say 80%, the same resources that we are using could provide us heat for 4 times as long. This is actually feasible.

    We can likewise preserve energy being used for every purpose.

    However, if every time we use less energy the suppliers cut prices to maintain dollar sales volumes, we will never see any benefit. We will not conserve any fuel.

    There is an exception. If wind generation cuts its price during strong winds to sell all of its power, that usage would otherwise go wasted, so wind generation should be free to cut prices to sell all they generate.

  4. it is important because if more resources are used to make energy, more pollution will take effect. like the first answerer said, conserve water and always conserve energy by turning off unnecessary lights and appliances and to change your light bulbs to a lower wattage.

    Good Day!

  5. people just need to stop being so lazy. turn the water OFF when you wash your hands or brush your teeth, and they should not wash their clothes every day or every other day. IT'S NOT THAT HARD PEOPLE!

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