
What is the importance of education?

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Formal and informal education




  1. are you referring to formal education? because everything in a way is education. Even just living your life but engaging in new things that you didn't know absolutely everything about and learning new aspects of it is education. So the importance of education is that it is essential to life, without it you would be nothing, just a baby who would never learn anything. But i think you're talking about formal education, whereas it is rather important but not necessary to living a good and full life, with it you would gain societal acceptance and learn things that you would if you had experienced them yourself (such as building something contrasted to learning building techniques in a book or class) and its just faster and easier generally. It would be optional but highly recommended.

  2. education shapes the individual. What we learn is how we go about viewing the world as we do. For instance, a person who did not go to school, but worked may view regular everyday objects just based on how they work. However, a learned person, say a chemist, would understand the chemical aspects of how a thing works. The two indivuals have two differnt perspectives on the world. Also say we are examining the human body.

    Education also allows us to specialize in a field we like or find interesting. As a result we become in that field and are qualified for work in that field.

    Some people just like learning and acquiring knowledge.

  3. Education can give you CHOICE.

    The ability to choose, is a powerful tool.

  4. education helps u in yuor futre

  5. Education is a must in this modern world to earn our bread, and get more civilized.

  6. Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization). Education means 'to draw out', facilitating realization of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology —often more profound than they realize—though family teaching may function very informally.

    Education systems are established to provide education and training, in most cases for children and the young. A curriculum defines what students should know, understand and be able to do as the result of education. A teaching profession delivers teaching which enables learning, and a system of polices, regulations, examinations, structures and funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their abilities. Sometimes education systems can be used to promote doctrines or ideals as well as knowledge, which is known as social engineering. This can lead to political abuse of the system, particularly in totalitarian states and government. Education is a broad concept,it refers to all the experiences in which people can learn something. Instruction refers to the intentional facilitating of learning toward identified goals, delivered either by an instructor or other forms. Teaching refers to learning experiences facilitated by a real live instructor. Training refers to learning experiences toward preparing learners with specific konwledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately.

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