
What is the importance of justice?

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What is the importance of justice?




  1. The importance of justice.  It is a very good question.  I believe the reason that justice is so important is because justice stands for truth.  Do not get confused about the major difference between the laws we set up to govern ourselves and justice.  There is no perfect justice system on earth and there never will be as long as there are imperfect people.  Our own biased attitudes affect the way we view the rightness in a decision.  Justice is the right decision. The truth. Not the way we view or distort the answer so that it best fits our prejudices.

    Justice is something that can never truly be found on this planet but with the idea of perfect justice, we can use this as a foundation for the kinds of laws we create in order to keep a fair and equal society.

  2. simply put it is discipline.  It holds you responsible for your actions and allows you to see that your decisions always have consequences.

    Why is there no graffiti in Sweden?  Because no one wants a public caining.  Why do we have so much here?  Because we catch them and give them a full ride scholorship to art school.

  3. Justice concerns the proper ordering of things and persons within a society. As a concept it has been subject to philosophical, legal, and theological reflection and debate throughout history. According to most theories of justice, it is overwhelmingly important: John Rawls, for instance, claims that "Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought." Justice can be thought of as distinct from and more fundamental than benevolence, charity, mercy, generosity or compassion. Research conducted in 2003 at Emory University, Georgia, involving Capuchin Monkeys demonstrated that other cooperative animals also possess such a sense and that "inequality aversion may not be uniquely human." indicating that ideas of fairness and justice are of an instinctual nature.

  4. Keeping control of the lower classes.

  5. It makes us in what we are right now..

    Justice balances everything..

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