
What is the importance of studying Islam for us, Christians?

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Currently, we are studying Islam, the 5 Pillars, their beliefs and founders. But i'm just wondering the significance of studying these even though I'm a Christian!

Thanks! :)




  1. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    If what they learn you about Islam is real :it is of course will be superficial information as a part of general knowledge about people were at an era of the previous ones teachers for you and shared in building your society.

    And of course will not give details for you ,not to convert.

  2. I would say that it's always good for us to have an open mind and to learn about all the different religions. But, of course, I can only speak for myself; not for all of Christianity.

    I've studied Judaism and Islam, myself, in addition to my native Christianity and I felt that it helped me see the reason why people view things differently. I'm presently studying Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shinto and the Sikh Panth.

    Personally, all these studies have helped me to see how they all view matters more objectively and have even gained, I would say, in my understanding of Christianity by doing this.

    In my honest opinion, one who does not study the others' points of view becomes bigoted and cannot see and appreciate the way of thinking of the others and becomes more exclusion-istic in their approach to the others.



  3. So that one may "know your enemy".

    I wouldn't call them enemies, but that's how the saying goes.

    Take it from a Catholic who gets "told" what his beliefs are all the time by anti-Catholics - you're not converting anyone if you don't first know what they believe.

  4. just to be educated.  

  5. Once you truly understand Islam and reject it, then add it's equal merit to Christianity you will be ready to properly evaluate Christianity and reject it. The study of Islam is, for you, as step on the road to freedom.

  6. Perhaps to convert a fragile mind....

  7. because Christianity and Islam are one religion.  It's like the ocean - parts are called the Atlantic, Pacific or Indian but it is one ocean.  Likewise, Judaism, Krsna, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam are one religion.

    The truth is liberating.

  8. 'know your enemy' comes to mind. If understanding can bring peace that's great but I doubt that's really the point.

  9. Nearly a Billion people.

    Is that reason enough?

    Millions who practise Islam have never had the opportunity to know Jesus as creator, son of God, and Savoir.  Do you know enough of what Islam teaches to be able to effectively share the gospel with them?

    Do you realise that the Koran teaches that those who do not adhere to Islam are Infidels and as such should be put to death?   Do you know what the implications of that teaching are?   Do you realise that this very aspect of Islam could be the impetus behind a Muslim killing YOU the infidel?  

    Look at the geneocide in Sudan.  Why are the people in the Darfur region being systematically killed, and driven to strvation.


    Look and the long civil war and all the killing the took place in Lebanon.   What was the root cause fo the conflict?  What happpened to the Christian population of that country?  Then ask what was the motivation behind this action?


    Ask the Christians in Indonesia how they are treated by the Muslim's there.  Ask the Jewish State of Isreal why she is so despised an hated by Islamic countries.   Ask the President of Iran why he threatens to annihilate Israel?

    Seek out the answers to these questions and you will know why you, a Christian, should study enough to have a understanding of what Islam teaches.

  10. I've wondered that myself a lot! Maybe they're trying to get us to convert.

  11. So you can distinguish between Islam and Christianity.  A lot of people have the misconception that they are the same religion because there are some similarities, but there are also great and fundamental differences.

  12. to understand Islam better so that we won't have prejudice on the religion

    plus so that Christians can think of ways to make Muslims convert to Christianity...

  13. By studying Islam you not only have the opportunity to learn about another one of the three major Abrahamic religions (of which Christianity is also one), but you will also have an opportunity to compare and contrast it with your own religion.  

    If you really want to know Islam without actually converting, memorize the Quran verbatim, and learn to recite it.

  14. So that you can understand their beliefs and broaden your knowledge in other types of religion practices.  

  15. i think it's important for all christians to study islam even though they disagree but to study the history will help people understand why things are the way they are today.  besides, it's helps to understand the end times better and what role both play in it....

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