
What is the importance of the Doctrine of Predestination?

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What is the importance of the Doctrine of Predestination?




  1. No imprtance now as the question presupposes a Divine Being that doesn't exist but historically it was important as, foe example, it was one of the reasons for conflict between Calvinists and Lutherans.

  2. Predestination holds that God has chosen who is to go to heaven even before a person's birth. There is a New Testament passage that supports this view.

    This doctrine arose during the early Protestant Reformation. Calvin himself possibly supported it although I'm not positive. It was certainly influential among the Puritans.

    At any rate it is an idea associate with some Protestants; it is not a Catholic belief.

  3. predestination is a belief of Calvinists, but according to them everyone is going to h**l so why your on earth you need to make lots of money to become successful because all you have is the here and now before you head to h**l.....similar to the consumerism work work, spend spend spend

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