
What is the importances of sunlight in plants growth?

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What is the importances of sunlight in plants growth?




  1. Let us look at orchardgrass as an example. When the leaves of an orchardgrass plant are harvested, new leaves will start to grow. If all the leaves are removed, the new growth will have to come from energy reserves stored in the leaf bases of the plant. Over a period of days the usable carbohydrate reserves will decrease. If more leaf area is left on the plant, the use of reserve carbohydrates will be less and regrowth will be faster since it can also be powered by photosynthesis.

    As new growth increases the leaf area, more sunlight is intercepted and photosynthesis increases, providing more energy for additional leaf growth. At some point photosynthesis is great enough to produce more sugar than is needed for leaf growth. This results in an increase in the reserve carbohydrates in the plant. As the leaf area increases further, leaves start shading one another, and net growth slows as older leaves in deep shade do not get enough sunlight..

  2. photosynthesis, cell renewal

  3. Sunlight is very important in plant`s growth.As we need three things to live which are:food,water and oxygen,plants need 4 things to survive:food,water,carbon dioxide and sunlight.Sunlight gives them all the energy to grow fast and be healthy.We and animals eat plants and then we get their energy so sunlight is very very important in a plant`s growth.

  4. sunlight stimulates photosynthesis in plants which is the process by which they make food. it is just as important for plants as water,food and oxygen is for us.

  5. only the most important part! Chloroplasts within the plant cells capture sunlight and use it to create energy.

  6. Photosynthesis

  7. photosynthesis =]

    helps keep plant alive.

    it converts the oxygen into carbon dioxide and the other way around

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