
What is the increase in outer radius of the annulus?

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An annular region (inner radius R/2 and outer radius R) is subject to a uniform stress σ on its outer edges. Find an expression for the increase in the outer radius of the annulus.

Young’s modulus = E

Poisson’s ration = ν

Follow up to:;_ylt=AndcsczxygXfTKxdhN0ZK1rsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080728070747AA68TGA

I hope I don't get a violation for say annulus.




  1. Calculate hoop stress and then it's just the elongation of the section.

  2. ΔR = (1 - 4/3*Poisson's ratio)/(Young's modulus) σR

    Just a guess based on the decrease in area of the disk.


    Re: Hint.  lol.  Already thought of that.  It is no different then a pressure vessel.  

    But I could not find an equation for a thick wall pressure vessel.  And I abhor the thought of trying to integrate anything.


    Ahh, re-googled.  Add the word "formula" to "thick walled pressure vessel" (which I previously googled) and I got:

    The only difference, is axial stress.  There is no axial stress.

    Radial stress = Ri^2 p/(Ro^2 - Ri^2) (1- Ro^2/r^2)

    Ri= 1/2 Ro

    Ro = R


    Rad Stress = p1/4R^2/(R^2 - 1/4R^2) (1-R^2/r^2)

    = -p/3(1- (R/r)^2)

    Let x = r/R

    rad stress = -p/3(1-1/x^2)

    Integrate 1/2 to 1

    =-p/3 (x + 1/x)

    =-p/3 [2- 2.5]

    = p/6

    *To be continued ....... maybe

    **I will continue -- probably tonight.  It has been a long time, and I no longer have reference books but I recalled how to finish it off.  And yes, I caught that typo too in 12.5 of the reference.

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