
What is the insect that comes out of hibernation every seven years?

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I thought it might be the cicada, but they come out annually (here in the Midwest US at least.) Could I be thinking of locusts?




  1. It IS the Cicada.  But, they are NOT hibernating.  The nymphal stage lives underground on tree sap that it gets from the roots.  They do not harm the trees.

    There are many species of Cicada, and it depends on the duration of the life cycle as to what length of time the nymph stage stays underground.  There are, what are called, one year Cicadas, and there are 5 year and 7 year Cicadas.  And, most amazing of all, there is actually a 19 year Cicada, which holds the record for the longest living insect.  These amazing creatures live underground for 19 years, then they dig toward the surface and wait a few inches below.  Then all at once, triggered by some event like temperature, or day length, they ALL emerge at once.  The nymph climbs up the tree bark, stops, and holds on.  Their back splits open and out crawls the adult, complete with wings.  The adult flies into the trees and begin their chirping and calling to attract a mate.  The calls fill the night and can be quit overwhelming at times.  The adults only live for a couple of weeks.

    After mating, the females stab the tender ends of the tree branches with their ovapositers depositing the eggs.  This kills the ends of the branches.  These insects are called "natures pruners" because this process helps the trees to grow healthier.  The eggs hatch.  The nymphs fall to the ground, dig down, and the whole process starts over again.

    Amazing isn't it?

  2. locust

  3. Periodical cicada

    Some cicadas come out every year, those are annual cicadas. Periodical cicadas come out every 2 or more years. The most common kinds in the US are the 13 year cicada and the 17 year cicada (the one you're probably thinking of) There are other kinds of periodical cicadas as well found throughout the world, I'm sure there are some species do come out every 7 years  

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